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Play - 7 Rings by Ariana Grande

Play - 7 Rings by Ariana Grande

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Your POV:

"Let's meet with the commercial meeting Mr. Kim...I guess you don't have any problem with that" I asked curiously. "Not at all Miss Lee" He stood up from his chair as I did so. "I'll take my leave then" We shook our hands for once, before my leave. 

I opened the door and left the office but still his eyes didn't left me. It's really giving me creepy vibes. I sighed heavily once I came out from that burning hell. I don't know what's up with him. I just saw him now for the first time and got to know only his surname. Weird!

Focus Y/n! Focus!

I whispered to myself, walking ahead. I took my phone out to massage Bella that everything about the supplies are settle down here. I stood infront of the elevator and wandered my head here and there. The interior designs were super luxurious and elegant. It should be like this. After all this is the richest and biggest GUCCI branch in Korea. 

Just then the elevator which was beside me, opened when someone came out from it. I couldn't see his face but he seems familiar to me. Without hanging back, I called him. "Excuse me Mister" I followed him but this one isn't stopping even. "Excuse me--" I held his shoulder when he instantly turned around when my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Jungkook?!" I literally half yelled. "Y/n?" He whispered, widening his bunny eyes. I didn't thought twice to engulf him with a tight hug. He hugged me back, smiling ear to ear. "I-I just can't believe you're here" He said, still hugging me. "Yah!! You ruining my coat" I glared at him, as his tears were flowing down from his deo eyes. "Why are you crying Jungkookah...I'm not dead yet" I chuckled wiping his tears from my thumb.

"It always felt like dead when you weren't here" He said holding my shoulders. I smiled sadly, and then I came back to senses that we were on the middle of corridor. "Shall we go to a café?" I asked that I can talk with him freely.  "Coffee or Tea?" He asked me, rapping his arm around my shoulder. He hasn't changed a bit. Just that same old cute Jungkook.

"Ofcourse a Tea with sugar and a Kookie" I pinched his cheek. 


November, 2013...

"Geez! My chemistry period was totally boring! Sir was explaining all the things like a lullaby" You said yawning, closing your mouth from your palm. "See...Such a lazy sloth" Ria said, nudging your head. "Yah!" You yelled, hitting her in return. "Sister fights are not allowed in school premises" ??? said, making you glare at him. "Just Kidding Girls" He chuckled, closing his locker door. "Shall we go to the cafertaria please? I feel like I haven't eaten for ages" You pouted holding your growling stomach. "Yes please" Hana added making you nod at her. 

"Coffee or Tea?" Jungkook asked you, rapping his arm around your shoulder. "Ofcourse a Tea with sugar and a Kookie" You pinched his nose, when he started sneezing. You all laughed at him, walking towards the cafertaria. 

End of the Flashback...

Author's POV:

"You have changed a lot" Jungkook said, looking at you. You looked at him, smiling to his utterance. "Maybe..." You sighed, looking at down at your bubble tea. Currently you two were at a coffee shop near to Shinghwa. "So...how was your life at USA?" Jungkook leaned to the chair. You let a sigh out before speaking. "Nothing special...Just worked hard" You simply said, earning a giggle from Jungkook. "I said you before...You have changed a lot" You crooked your eye brows. "And why are you saying like that?" You asked when he chuckled again. "Y/n is not someone who used to speak a bit. More like, she's not ending speaking a sentence from two three words. She's an express" He said while chuckling when you giggle too.

"Am I?" You pointed at yourself. "Ofcourse" Jungkook added back, sipping his Bubble Tea. "By the way...didn't you met others beforehand?" You shook head saying no. "Why? I thought you even met Hana" Jungkook took a sip of his tea. "I'm not ready to meet her...what if she can't remember me?" You were on an urge to cry out. "That's nonsense. You're saying that she can't remember you? Ofcourse she can remember you dude" Jungkook held your hand and caressed it. "I hope so...and about that guy...I hundred percent sure he's gonna ignore me" You rolled your eyes at your own words. "How can he? See y/n...I'm here when you need help. I'll help you to meet them" Jungkook said making you smile widely.

"Promise?" You held your pinky finger. "Yes, Promise" He entwined with his pinky. "And why were you at Shinghwa?" He asked you almost suddenly. "I came to meet my new business partner for my fashion week...and you?" You sipped your Bubble tea. "I came to meet one of my friend, but you showed up in between on my way to him" He pointed at you, when you lift your eye brow. "Friend? You're meeting your friend in working hours? That's against the rules of the company" You glared, crossing your arms. "How can you say like that?" Jungkook spat at you. "I'm a owner of a company too, baby" You forced smiled. Calling him in various nicknames is not new to him. You oftenly calling him like this. 

"But, is there any illegal thing I'm doing by meeting the CEO of the company?" He lift his eye brow making you confuse. "CEO? You were there to meet Mr. Kim?" Your eyes widened and lips parted. 

'Does Jungkook know him?'

"A pretty yes" Jungkook proudly smiled. "You know him?" You asked with the most unusual face ever. "Ofcourse. We know each other since our childhood. I know both of them" That curious face of yours dropped after hearing what Jungkook said. "You know him from small days?" You questioned back. "Yeah...And why your attacking me with so many questions about him?" Jungkook lips, formed to dirty smirk that you wanted to erase as soon as possible. "Idiot! I was just a-asking to know" You kicked his leg, under the table. He groaned, bending a little. 

"D-do you know his name?" You asked, tucking random hair strands back of your ear. "Yeah...Do you want to know about the elder on or the younger one?" He asked, resting his elbow on the table. "I only knows that the Vice president is 28 and the President is 26" You cleared the fact you already knew. "Oh! Vice president is the eldest, He's Kim Seokjin. The President is the younger one, Kim Taehyung, and he's the one I was gonna meet" You crooked your eyes brows at the last name he said. "Kim Taehyung? Why it sounds like familiar to me" Keeping your fingers on the table, you tapped those repeatedly. "Might be...I don't think you have met him before but he's a senior in our college" You stopped tapping the fingers. 

"What? Bruh! This is baffling! Let's just forget that topic" You licked your lower lip still massively doubting about not mentioning there names anywhere. 

"Jungkook, do you know why their names not mentioning anywhere? I mean they haven't used their first names that you said now. Only their last name...It's weird" You spoke, resting your chin on your palm. "That's how it is...There's really nothing to be doubtful about that" He shrugged his shoulders earning a recurring nod from you. 

Maybe there is...

To be continue...

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