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Play You're the reason by Calum Scott

Chapter 15




Flashback Continues...

It's already been two months since Ria and Taehyung started officially dating. But Ria didn't failed on keeping her relationship with Taehyung away from you. Once she had to said this to her closest friends Hana and Jimin, but not you.

She was afraid to tell you cause after Taehyung recalled how and where he met Ria at first. But he never met Ria at the first place but you. 

Her world collapsed. She couldn't utter a single word as a response for the story Taehyung spilled just now. The only thing her head got hit was she's betraying her own sister and her first love, Taehyung. 

"Ria?" Taehyung waved his hand infront of her face as she even didn't blink. She just kept staring at the River which was forming in her pupils. "Y-yeah?" She tried to strech her lips to tiny smile

"Unbelievable right?" Taehyung continued, tighting the grip around your shoulder. "What?" She questioned back. 

"Everything. When I first saw you and then apparently we met again at the café. It was only a month we dated and we're already in a relationship thus far officially we're boyfriend and girlfriend. Just like a sweet, romance film" He muttered, admiring his girlfriend's side profile. 

Ria was swimming with Tears inside her eyes but afraid to show it out. She smiled bitterly and turned to Taehyung. "Taehyung, do you love me?" It was just not a random question, but a question that awaits for an answer which can also design her future decisions. 

Taehyung didn't except that question at all.

"Is that even something to ask, Ria? Ofcourse I love you. More than anything" He didn't lied. It was the truth. He answered all from his heart and after all Ria is his first love. 

Ria nodded in repose. What else she can do even? Smile? Hug him? Kiss him or say it back?

"Ria...What's the problem?" Taehyung noticed something was bothering her. He held her shoulders, making her to face him. "Nothing" She mumbled, ruffling herself with tears. 

"Don't lie. Tell me, what happened?" Taehyung asked with full of concern. The one who's being cheer up everytime is now being sort of a speechless person.

 She shook her head again and smiled mouthing Nothing.  But something was there inside her mind and Taehyung knew it

"So what your plans for this Christmas?" Ria asked, just to cheer up the awkwardness. "Nothing special. But this time, I think Mom wants to go to Grandma's place and celebrate Christmas there" His tone changed. 

"But I don't want to go...I want to celebrate this Christmas with my girlfriend" He pouted cutely earning giggle from Ria. 

"Stupid! You should be with your family. Since I haven't told about our relationship to Y/n or Appa, its better if you stay away from me for this Christmas atleast" Ria wrapped her hands around Taehyung's arm.

 "Hmm, I guess that's way better than get beating from your father" Taehyung chuckled when Ria hit his arm. 

"Yah! He's not rude as you think. I'm sure he'll understand me" She smiled in the thought of saying her relationship to his father. 

Suddenly, Taehyung's phone rang distracting the silence. "I have to pick it" He said after glancing at the phone screen and Ria nodded.

"Hey!" Taehyung answered. "Hi Tae! I heard you're coming here. When will you be coming? Could you come on day before Christmas. I miss you!" Ria's eyes widened hearing a girlish voice from the other side of the call. 

"Who is it?!" She whisper yelled at Taehyung who were sitting on a hot seat. "My cousin Sister" He answered back with a whisper.

 Ria frowned minding how a cousin sister can be this clingy to his brother who already is taken! 

"Y-yeah, I'll try. I'm hanging up Aerum. See you!" "No Tae-" Without letting the other sider to speak, he disconnected the call quickly and turned to Ria. 

"I'm sorry. She's just too childish" He doubting whether Ria will be mad at him. "It's fine" She smiled making Taehyung surprise at the moment. 

"You're not mad?" He lift his eye brow, still not ready to accept that Ria pronounced something positive.

 Basically, every girl, when their boyfriend talks with some other girl results for a girlfriend who will burn from Jealousy but Ria was other way round.

"Why would I?" She questioned back, making a simple confusion. She won't be jealous just for a random girl but for her own sister. 


Second update of the day! Yay! 🥳💃🏻

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