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Play When I was your man by Bruno Mars

Chapter 14




Flashback, 2XXX

" I can't feel my legs even. You go and buy please" You showed puppy eyes at Ria. Both of you were debating to buy coffees from the café but none of you didn't wanted to step out from the car. Both of you were lazy sloths!

"fine!" Ria groaned annoyingly before stepping out from the car. You smiled happily, before closing your eyes to relax a bit. 

Adjusting her side bag from a one hand, Ria was about to open the door of the café when someone opened the door from inside. 

Ria gasped at once and backed away with a step

"Oh I'm sorry" It was a boy, who showed up. Ria's lips slightly parted seeing the angel beside her. He was non other than the Kim Taehyung. 

 "It's okay" Ria lowered her gaze, smiling recurringly and opened the door again.

"Um, wait" It was again that same boy. Ria took her hands away from the door holder and turned back at him. Her cheeks slightly blushed and bit a corner of a her lips to stop herself.  

"Yeah?" Ria remarked.

 "Can't you remember me?" And then Ria was hella confused. It was the first time she saw him but he's asking whether she can remember him. 

"Ah-No? I guess" Ria nervously shuttered her words. Well, that's the truth. "Oh my bad, but can I have your number?" Taehyung smiled, scratching the back of his neck. 

Ria was stunned. Just a guy whom she saw just once is now asking her number. but how can she deny a request from the handsome boy like him? Sure, she was attracted to him. 


 It's then all the misunderstand started...

"By the way, I'm Kim Taehyung" He showed his hand for a brief handshake when Ria accept it shyly. "I'm...Lee Ria" She spoke with a bit low voice earning a chuckle from Taehyung. "W-why?" Ria asked, with a timid voice. "You're so cute" Ria bite her lower lip and lowered gaze in shyness. Both changed their numbers each other. Unknowingly a smile crept from Ria's lips seeing the name on her recent saved contacts. Taehyung.

"I'll text you when I get back home. Till then Bye!" Taehyung said with an hurry and winked her at the end. Ria almost shut her eyes and looked away, with blushing cheeks. Then she got hit by that you're waiting for the coffee from inside the car. 

She bought to coffees right away and headed towards her car, still dreaming and going through the scenario just happened few minutes. "What it took so long!?" You shriecked out once Ria step into the car. "Shut it! It was crowded inside" She lied. She had to...


"Aish! Ria!! Can't you just mute your damn phone?! Who's messaging you this much?" Ria's eyes widened as she saw you getting up from the couch and was going to grab the phone. Without letting you to take it, She took the phone and muted the notifications. 

"Who the hell is it?" You asked, with a glare. Until that day, she hasn't got this much of notifications in her entire life. Taehyung was continuously messaging Ria from the moment she got back home. 

"My friend" Ria muttered, grabbing her stuff to leave the room. She can't reply back to Taehyung when you're inside the room with her. "Where are you going?" You asked, raising your eye brow. 

Ria dropped the pile of books on to the table which was in her hands. "Can you please stop asking me questions, Y/n?" She was loosing her patience by now and that's something weird. She never gets mad easily. 

You knitted your eye brows at her new mode of behavior. Your eyes travelled along with the Ria's figure which left the room, banging the door with a high thud. You gasped at the moment. What happened to her?


Hey hey! Sorry for late updates sksks

Hey hey! Sorry for late updates sksks

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