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Play The Mother We Share by CHVRCHES

Chapter 3




Your POV:

After 14 hours and 30 minutes

*Exhales loudly*


Here, I am in my country...After 7 long years...I feel happy and nervous at the same time but somehow...I'll get over through it

I inhaled the fresh air, that I missed so much. This fresh breeze, this feelings, this country...I missed all of them so badly.

Corner of my heart feels bad for something I failed to do. I couldn't visit her grave for 7 years. She might be mad at me. But she's good enough to be a part of my courage and I hope she will be there till the end.

*deep breathes*  *deeps breathes*  *deep breathes*

"Welcome back Y/n!" I said to myself as there wasn't anyone to welcome me back besides I haven't tell anyone yet about my arrival.

I was standing infront the car parking, when a man around 40s came towards me. "Excuse me ma'am. I suppose you're Miss. Y/n" He spoke fluent Korean when my tongue stucked inside, afraid on saying anything. It's been a long while I'm speaking Korean and I don't think I can speak Korean as much as I could. "Y-yes" I shuttered. He bowed at me and I bowed in return, still guessing to myself do I actually did it!

But I seriously talked with Jungkook in Korean without any issue. I'm just the same!

In USA, we shake hands in all formalities and informalities. But in Korea, we're bowing at each other. I clearly can remember that we, Korean people ignore the ones who speak English with them. That's why this man spoke in Korean with me, yet I'm Korean.

'You're are thinking too much y/n!' I spoke mentally and followed the man who was walking infront of me. He stopped near a white Volvo and opened the back door for. I got into the car, as he helped me with to load my luggage inside.

Thanking him, I closed when he too got in and started the engine. Seoul, This is not the Seoul I saw years back. Now it's completely different. The whole city was covered with large buildings. The advertisement boards and all, it was in Hangul. I used to see these all in English but here it's in Hangul.

I leaned my head to the window, and closed my eyes to feel a bit of relax. But my mind wasn't allowing me to be relax. It was dooming me with thousands of Questions. Questions were flowing through my head to mind.

'There are so many people I need to meet whom I lost contact when I moved to USA...many people...do they want to meet me?...do they really can remember me still?...Are they mad at me for her 'lost?'...and mainly, am I ready to face them?'

I'm obviously overthinking now. I shake off my head to get rid of those unnecessary things.


Right now, I'm standing infront of my house. Our house, where my Appa lives.

I was sweating a bit in nervous. I gulped before pressing the doorbell. My heart was beating faster. It was pounding loudly. In few seconds, the large wooden door opened revealing a man in fifties, with his specs resting on the tip of his nose. He looked at me squinting his eyes. I struggled hard to hold back my tears. 'Is he assuming I'm 'her'?'

"H-hello Appa" I smiled, lightly waving my hand in 'Hi'. "Y-y/n?" His voice was gravy just like before but more soft. I nodded smiling cheekily. "Y-you have grown up my child" Saying that, he engulfed me with a hug. His warmness, his voice, his touch, I feel like I am already home and anyhow I'm home.

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