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Play Becomes each other tears by Hyolyn

Chapter 27




True to your words, you left Korea. You came home just for your business purpose and according to the fate, you found your first love as well. But the needs didn't wanted you to stay there with Taehyung that you had to overseas States as soon as possible. Now its been more than two months since you left Korea. 

Again, you were alone. Inside a huge mansion just only yourself to hear whatever you were speaking. The most difficult part was leaving your father and Taehyung. Even though they said you not to go, you didn't had any other option rather than coming back to your place. 

You didn't lost contact with anyone either. Like each and every second Jungkook, Jimin and Hana called you and you did. You guys exchanged latest happenings and doings with each other that you didn't felt the loneliness you felt 7 years ago. 

Taehyung was the one who was hard to convince. You said numerous things to him saying that you'll come back soon, you'll call him everyday, and ofcourse you were living in the 21st century so about a face time thrice a day. 

The smile didn't left your lips in thinking of Taehyung. You smiled that Ria let Taehyung go. You smiled that Ria allowed you to have Taehyung. You smiled that finally you two love each other. It was hard at first but was smooth at the ending. 

It was another evening, having a splendid cup of tea, admiring the evening view from your balcony. Gulping down the warm liquid, your eyes squinted as you saw a vehicle parked infront of your gate. It was unusual that parking a vehicle infront of some other once's house. You couldn't see clearly but a man got out from the car and stood, who was now back facing you. 

"Jerk!" You muttered, before making your way towards down stairs. Keeping the cup on a random shelf, you ran down from the stairs. Well, that unknown man was blocking the entrance of your house and why would you stay quiet? Thus, this is America. 

As you were about to open the door, the door bell itself rang at the same time. You stopped in your tracks and glanced at the door in horror. Co-occurrence, maybe? You thought. Gulping a lump down your throat, you walked ahead with slow steps on the cold floor. You held the door handle firmly before twisting it slowly. 

Peeking your head out, you saw a guy standing infront of the doorstep, turning his back. It didn't took any longer for you to recall that it was the same man from before. "Excuse me?" You said, once you opened the properly. The man instantly turned around. Your heart immediately dropped once you saw the man infront of you. Your man.

Your eyes went wide and lips became parted when a gasp escaped from your lips. "Taehyung?" You whispered, almost chocking the air. After months, you got to see him like this and who won't feel cry? He hasn't changed, just the same Taehyung he used to be. And inside his eyes, you also were the same Y/n, you used to be. 

A smiled appeared on your face that curved at other second when you broke into the cry. Jumping on him, you engulfed him with a tight hug. Encircling your arms around his neck, you buried your face inside his well built chest. "I missed you" You mumbled, sniffing his scent you missed to feel. "I'm here" He bluttered, rubbing your back softly. You felt him smiling through your silky hairs. 

Hell, you both smiled like this after ages.

"Let's go inside" 


He caressed your palms from his thumb while intertwining them together and your head was leaning on Taehyung's shoulder. "Why would you open a new branch here? You almost have more than enough" You said, shifting your gaze to him. He smiled, before placing a kiss on top of your head. "Then how can see you?" He asked, resting his head on top of yours.

"But your parents...they need you" You looked at him sadly. He came to see you leaving all his priority there. "They have hyung. But you need me more" He said making you smile secretly. Indeed you want him with you. "Know you priority, Taehyung" They were his parents after all. He should be near them than you. 

"You're my priority" He never fails to give you butterflies like this. You chuckled and bit your lower lip. He suddenly put his arm around your shoulder and pulled you more towards him that your face almost crashed against his arm.

 "You know what?" He asked.


"Let's get married"


Two more chapters left to complete this book :) By the way, do you guys want a happy ending? 

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