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Play Dream by Bolbbalgan4

Chapter 23




Its been few days since your last encounter with Jennie. She left Korea to States saying that she wanted to spend sometime along. Also her parents were living over there and ever since her engagement with Taehyung, she remained in Korea making Taehyung as the reason for it. 

Now, there's no any particular reason for her staying in Korea so she left. You really felt bad also ease at the same time. Just after the day Jennie left, Taehyung appeared in Seoul again. He came back. 

You heard it from Jungkook. He's a walking gossip that you can hear any latest news before the newspaper says. Your single soul did everything to make him face you but everytime you failed. The only thing you didn't do was going to his house and that's it which was left to do. You didn't met him either in charnel house or at the han river. You noticed that he was avoiding you as well. Like what you tried to did. 

You can't do this, after all. You can't live the lest of your life tolerating with these feelings for him. How can you built such a feeling towards him within few days and most importantly why its only him? Its your sister's boyfriend and you would kill your self at the thought of betraying her with Taehyung.

Another night, alone. Mr. Lee got a temporary transfer to a university in Busan so he had to leave you but being alone was something familiar to you. You spent 7 years alone in a huge mansion and staying alone inside the dead silence apartment is nothing to you. 

Another night, thinking about Taehyung. You always find yourself thinking about Taehyung in every nights before your go to sleep but the best part was that even your closed eyes can merge up Taehyung's face to your mind and that's insane. 

Your mind was already drifting and your eye lids are getting heavier when you heard a shattering sound, like a glass breaking. You jolted up and stood up from the bed to peek on your window. You saw a man wearing a leather jacket swirling under the yellow lights of the streets. He's drunk and his hand was holding a bottle of bear while not too far away is a shattered bottle with same with what he's holding.

Kim Taehyung dropped on the floor, laying on his back. You ran out of the apartment to see if he's okay. He reek of alcohol when you got near him. His lids were heavy and almost closed while his mouth opened wide as he breathe through it. 

You stood beside him, looking down at him. "You're drunk. What happened?" But is there any thing else to happen? He just shook his head. Geez! can't he just consider of his reputation?

You knelt down beside him. "Get up. I'll walk to my place" You said, as you grab his shoulder pulling him slighting so that he can stand up. He shook his head grabbing your wrist, wiping it away from his shoulder. "Why did you leave me, Ria?" His eyes are now open. 

You stopped breathing as you looked at him. His eyes were bloodshot but you saw how soft he looks at you. And yet there's sorrow in it. You tried to shake your thoughts away, he's just drunk and you have the face as Ria's, its normal if he can see you as Ria.

"Get up Taehyung. We have to move from the road way" You said as your grab his shoulders again, he stood up but he holds your wrist. Again. 

"No. Why did you leave me, Ria. Answer me. Please" He mentioned your sister's name again and again, it made your heart ache. 

He looks at you with pleading eyes, like he's really seeking for answers. But when you didn't said anything, anger flashed in his eyes. "Why did I even met you if you're just going to leave me? This is all your fault!" He said and he pushed you towards a concrete wall, pinning your wrist behind your head.

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