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Play Lovely by Billie Elish Feat. Khalid

Chapter 17




End of flashbacks...

"Diary..." You mumbled. Hana kept her cup of coffee on the table, and looked at you. "What?" She lift her eye brow in confusion. "She used to write a diary everyday. Maybe...I can find something from it" You said from a one breathe. Hana, who's still in a puzzle, tried to understand about what you were talking. 

"To find what?" She questioned back when you looked at her with straight eyes. "About someone I doesn't know. I'm sure that's the same person who's sending Red roses to Ria's grave" Your hands turned to fists at the thought of a stranger who's visiting your sister. 

The fact is that, you don't even know who' is it. That's why you thought of saying this to Hana and now you both were at a city café, to talk each other. 

"You sure there's someone stranger out there and visiting Ria? Cause its natural to have friends for her. Maybe that one also a friend of her" Hana shrugged her shoulders casually, like there's nothing to think serious about this mystery.

You shook your head at once. "No...that can't be. You guys were the only friends she had. Bu-" You stopped. Your whole body came to a pause as you remembered something odd. You remembered the day when Ria and another boy talked at the mall, that you saw them. The flashback hit your head, swallowing your words you gonna to say. 

"Y/n..." Hana shook your hand, dragging you back to the reality. 

You gasped and titled your head towards her, catching some air. "What happened?" She asked, curving her eyes brows. "I think, I found him" You mumbled, gritting your teeth. Suspicious was running up and down through your veins. "Now who is this him?" She was hella confused by now. 

"I'll say you later, Hana. You go back home. Bye!" Grabbing your side bag you left the café leaving Hana dumfolded. 


Unlocking the door, you entered your house straight away running inside your room. Closing the door slowly without waking up your sleeping father, you removed your coat and kept the side bag aside.

You opened the Ria's cupboard in searching for her Diary. She never kept her personal stuff on the study table and you knew it. Hence you saw her writing a Diary like daily, its confirming that everything she did and happened were written on the book by her. 

Jerking away some clothes to the floor, you found the pink diary which was under the clothes. A simple smile crept on your face, seeing her most especial ornament. She never let anyone to open her cupboard as many of her personal things were sorts in it but now you did what she really hated. 

Sitting on the bed, you opened the diary with a pounding heart which pounded more faster than usual. On the first page, it was written as ; This book belongs to Lee Ria

Who is no more...You mind muttered. 

Moving your finger tips, you turned to the next when your heart almost stopped. 

Your lips parted and eyes were wide open in shock to see the image which formed in you pupils. With shake hands, you took the piece of paper to your hand. 

The diary fell on the floor when the sound echoed inside your head like a loud thud. 

Your hand turned into fists at the thought of your own sister lied to you. Tears were continuously dropping from your sparkling eyes. 

You were done with everything.

 No matter how much you cry no one will wipe those tears for you but, this is was hard to digest. 

You found your answer for all the doubts.

A one answer, for thousands of question marks. 

A one answer, for your suspicious mind. 

A one answer, for her strange behavior back then. 

A one answer, for everything.

And You never wanted to see this again...


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