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Play Hello by Adele

Chapter 28




3 Years later...

A start of a new life with a new chapter. 

A beginning of a new life with the love of your life.

A dawn of a new foundation with the best life. 

Since the day you got married to Kim Taehyung, since the day you became Mrs. Kim, those were your golden days. As they say, old is gold. Everyone was astonished by the news you told them about the relationship between you and Taehyung. Even Taehyung's parents. They thought, his younger son won't move on from the girl who already died but it turns out that he really fell in love with his ex girlfriend's twin sister. 

Your father, Lee Boinjun was the happiest man on earth as the father of his only child. He was happy and sad at the same time cause you grew up the most difficult time all alone apart for 7 years and you didn't get enough space to spend time with him thus you were a soon to be bride. 

On the surprise arrival of Taehyung, he really wanted to surprise you. He missed you as much as you missed him. And also he loves you as much as you loves him. 

You both arrived again to Korea together, being the love couple. Once you introduced your boyfriend to your father, it didn't took any long for you to get the approve from him for the relationship. But, not Taehyung who already proposed you to marry him. Thanks to Ria, your twin sister, Taehyung let the sadness to fly away with wings of time so you did. 

The Marriage life was a kind of challenge for you. That's the life. The life is a challenge itself that you successfully spent 3 years of your happy married life with Kim Taehyung. Being his wife, you learnt not of new turning points and endure them to your life very well. Being a wife is not an easy task as what you thought and if your mother was there with you, she would explain you about these better. 

The epiphany was beyond the dark fate you had. Never in millionth of years you thought you would spend a happy life further and you're here now, to love someone more, to make your unborn child your other world. You're pregnant. Currently you're spending the 9th month of your pregnancy means, you're gonna give a life to another bond of you from another few days. A creation of you and Taehyung.  

"We thought of naming him Ray" You said, caressing your baby bump. Even though the life became tough for you, it didn't bothered you to visit Ria daily. You really visited her like everyday. Taehyung always said you to have some rest at home but you won't listen. You kept the bunch of white roses infront of her photo and picked up the other bunch of yesterday.

"See, Now I'm going to be a mom and Taehyung's going to be a dad. But that guy—He's such a useless person! He really left me and our child all alone and he went on a tour. Tour my ass" Pregnancy hormones' won't stop you anyway. Taehyung left to Singapore few days ago. He was not a mood to go obviously but, work comes first. For him, it was you.

He was afraid to let stay alone in the house but Hana took the responsibility of you. She said that she will take of you from her level best that made Taehyung to go. You hated it first but you knew what kind of a situation he will face if he didn't join this business tour. Bella, who is your private secretary, was taking care of all of your duties while you're living in Korea.

A gasp escaped from your lips when you felt the baby boy who's inside, kicked your tummy. "He really wants to come out now" You mumbled, smiling while caressing the bump smoothly. "I know right" Chuckled Hana, you were your bodyguard who's following you to where ever you goes. She even follows you to the bathroom but stops on her tracks infront of the door. 

"Geez, can't you just stay home for a while?" You pouted, as she was standing beside your like a statue without bugging. She rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Just wait till you hubby comes. Not too long, just another few hours" You smiled. Taehyung's coming back tomorrow. You can't wait, especially, your baby. He left Korea for 6 months from your 3rd month of permanency, that he even wrote a daddy note unborn child, for his just in case if his child born before his arrival. 



You were waiting till he comes. It was only few seconds ago that you declined the 1 hour call with Taehyung and here you're waiting for him. He said that his flight was readied early and he's landing tonight itself. It was pass midnight, and you were sitting on the couch, waiting for him. "Sleep, Y/n" Hana repeated the same thing for the five hundredth time. "Please, let's wait little more" You pouted again. Well, you're pouting too much.

Just then, Hana's phone rang destroying the silence which was growing around the living area. She quickly picked it up when you looked at her. "Tell it" Hana said. You frowned at her words. "Gosh Just spill it!" She half yelled making you flinch. 

After few moments with Hana who was speaking to the caller, her phone immediately dropped on the floor crashing it into pieces. Your eyes widened as you quickly got up from the couch, holding your heavy tummy. Hana was looking at the ground without even blinking and then looked up at you. You held her shoulders worriedly when she jerked them. "Hana" You gasped. 

"N-no" Hana shook her head again. She was continuously staring at you as if something might happen to you. Like you will be gone forever after sometime. "What happened? Who was it?" You asked, cupping her face. Hana was whelping, you couldn't help but hug her. She broke into tears.

"H-hana?" You broke the hug and wiped away the tears. "What happened? Please tell me. Why are you crying?" You panicked. She wasn't speaking at all but just crying. Your eyes too got teary seeing you sister like friend who was crying without an awareness of any reason. "Tell me. What happened? Hana speak!" You shouted. You felt a pain under your stomach but it didn't bothered you. 

"N-nothing Y/n it—" "Say means Say Hana!" You interrupted raising your voice. Hana gulped. "I-it was J-jungkook" She let it out as a slow whimper. "Jungkook? What did he said? Why are you crying?" You asked, giving a swift shake on her shoulders.

"I c-can't..." Hana was a mess and you couldn't tolerate with any of those sudden reactions of her. 

"Tell me. What did he said?" You asked, most sternly when she stopped crying. She wiped away her tears and faced you with red puffy eyes. Your heart started to pump highly when she opened to say the most word you adored. 

"T...T-Taehyung" She paused as you kept staring at her. That heart which was pumping now almost ready to escape from your body. Your blood turned to cold at the way she said your husband's name. "T-taehyung w-what?" You asked, getting more closer to her. The pain of your stomach was killing you and here you were murdering at the situation. 

"H-he...His flight has crashed"

Your world stopped rotating. 

The sound of tears that dropped on the white floor echoed inside your head. 

You were dead inside but there was another living infant inside you. 

The tight of the grip of your bump tighted to max as you felt a liquid pouring down. 

Your water broke. 

The surrounding of you was just transparent and blurred and you could hear Hana screaming your name. 

Just, only one thing that you're mind was occupied with. 

Kim Taehyung lied you and left you, making you a Single Mom. 


The final chapter is coming soon...

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