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Play – See you again by Charlie Puth

Chapter 2




Your POV:

This call...He's calling me after a long time...for 7 years. I stared at the phone's screen for a second and blinked my eyes several times to confirm whether I'm dreaming or not. My lips parted and answered the call with shaking hands afraid to hear 'him'.

"H-Hello?" I shuttered.

"Hello? You're saying?" 'This isn't him, he used to be' that's the first thing my mind murmured hearing his voice after a long time. I felt the coldness in his voice. Obviously, I know what the reason is.

"H-how are you doing, Jungkook?" I started to roll my words, gulping like after speaking for a devil. He called me after 7 years and the accent of his voice is completely different.

"Is that what you're asking me after damn 7 years and that too leaving us without saying anything?" You were stunned. 'Is he really trying to be callous?' and what can I say? Nothing. I knew the fault was mine so I haven't got any excuse either. So I deserve this. Really.

"J-jungkook...I-I'm sorry..." Unknowingly, a single tear escaped from my eye. I heard him sighing before speaking up. "Y/n even though you left us without saying anything and lived your life for 7 years apart from us doesn't mean you have changed right?" Suddenly his voice softened. "No Jungkook...I still can remember. Everything." I cried and tried but couldn't control my tears anymore.

"Please don't cry Y/nah...I didn't wanted to make you cry by calling suddenly. I just missed you. So much. Be grateful that even I called you unlike others. I don't know what they're thinking from inside but they always tries to ignore your name even they sees you on those magazines and cutouts around the cities." What's the fault in it? I worked hard to fulfill her dream, she always wanted to be someone like this. I wiped the tears away, knowing that crying will not make anything correct.

"I-I really don't know how to face them. I only feel guilt Jungkook. But I had my own reasons. I wasn't...I wasn't strong enough. You know everything Jungkook, You know that I moved here just because of her. We born together, grew up together, learned together and we both dreamed of the same things. We even thought of releasing our last breathe out...together. But-" I couldn't continue. It's hard. It's hard to recall my sorrowful past again and again.

"I know y/n....But trust me. She's in a better place now. Finally, you made her only dream come true. You both always wanted to build your own empire and now you did it instead of her, not alone but with her. I know you're keeping her in your mind everytime. But you were so wrong y/n that you thought we would leave you alone. Once I felt ashamed for the very first time in my life on how you were thinking of us. Remember, we are true friends. Still." He said, when I smiled even though my eyes were heavy with tears.

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I regret on those naïve decision I took. But now I think I'm strong and ready. I did these with the help of her. As you said, she was there in my mind all the time. I'm happy that even you understood me. And I have a surprise for you" I said, changing the topic. "What is it?" I can say now this boy is passing a little bit of excitement and that's relief. "You will see...soon" I didn't wanted to tell him now cause I really want to surprise him with my sudden visit to Korea.

"Ahhh you know I haven't patience at all! But be quick okay?! The word 'soon' has a meaning itself" I chuckled. "Yeah yeah...You know, A load just sank away from me, Jungkook...Thank you for calling me" I felt he's smiling from the other side. "I did what a true friend should do. And sorry for calling you in this early morning" I lift your eye brow in confusion. 'What morning?' Ahh this kid! Is he 10 or what??

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