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Play - Let go by BTS

Chapter 08





October 11th , 2013

Author's POV:

5pm! Still Ria hasn't arrived home and you were sitting on the couch eating some popcorn to  welcome her gratefully. "Just wait till she come" You murmured under your breathe, huffing in anger. These days, she always get late to come home, letting you to go home after college all alone. 

Almost done waiting for her, you wore your sweater and opened the door to find Ria from any world. At the same time, A black luxury car stopped infront of your house gait when Ria got down from it. Before she turn her heels to come inside, she waved her hand to the person inside the car, smiling widely. 

Your lips parted seeing what happening infront of your naked eyes. Blinking your eyes like you saw some kind of magic, you stepped inside closing the door quickly before she sees you. Dropping yourself on the couch you started to eat the popcorn you were eating. "Hey" It was Ria, who opened the door. 

You instantly titled your head towards her and saw a bouquet of red roses on her hand. "Here...This is for you" She handed you it, when you happily accepted it. You love red roses. "Where did you get these?" You asked, smiling at the roses. "Umm...If you don't really tell Appa, then I'll say you the truth" Ria said, leaving a question mark on your head.

Ria sighed, sitting on the couch. "What?" You crooked your eye brows. "Someone gave me" She said when your eyes widened. "Who the hell gave you roses? a guy huh?" You emitted a smirk that was too hard to settle on your face. 

Ria's cheeks turned to red, and looked away broking the eye contact with you. "This silence means YES! and wait! You don't like red roses. You like pink ones" You pointed at her and then at the bouquet in your hands. "I just cannot say I don't like them...and how can I? I like him" She literally whispered the last three words when your jaw dropped to the floor. "Y-you mean...You're dating?" You whisper yelled. Ria nodded in shy. 

"God! You didn't even told me before. How long? Who's the guy? Is he the one that who dropped you now?" For that Ria stayed in silent. "Y/n, I'll tell you who is the guy when the right time comes. I know I'm in a relationship with someone and my only sister doesn't know anything...but I'll tell you soon okay? and yes. It was him who dropped me now" You couldn't just believe that your sister, who always rejects boys' proposals in now dating with an unknown stranger. 

"A reech guy?" You mocked at her. "Yeah...But I love him for not what he have. I love for who he is" You feel like a lonely puppy who lost her way. At first you couldn't believe that your own eyes and  ears. Your anti romantic twin sister is now in love. Wow! 

"Is he the only child in his family?" You asked, with a bit lower tone. "No...he has an elder brother" "Does he know about you?" You asked curiously. "Not yet...But he said he'll tell his brother as soon as possible...even so I told you" She smiled softly.

On the other second, she held you hands before saying something serious.

"But he's isn't aware that I have a twin sister"

End of flashback...

Author's POV:

You walked inside the church, carrying a bouquet of pink roses for your sister. You entered the grave yard, spotting your sister's grave. Once you approached to it, you saw a bouquet of red roses. The bouquet was big in size and it was lying right infront of your sister's smiling face. Her photo. The edge of the bouquet you were holding tightened at once. Red roses are your favorites. You kneeled down infront of the grave, taking those dead flowers into your hand. 

You smiled sadly admiring your twin sister's beautiful smile. Her smile is fake if she receives something she doesn't like. And this time, someone gave your sister these red roses which your favorites. It's a common thing that like everyone knows your both favourations separately and that's something they know about you among the family and friends. And who else gonna pay a visit to your sister with your favorite flower when everybody knows her favorite flower is white rose and that you killed her?

You might think that you killed her but others always denying that fact...

Flashback, at the Starbucks

Author's POV:

 "It's not what you think Hana...I killed my own sister" You mumbled when Hana held your arms, tighting it's grip. "Listen here Y/n, No one killed Ria. It's her faith. You did nothing" She said sternly when you chuckled bitterly. "I did. You wasn't there Hana. I ki--"

"Say that once again! Seriously I'll rip your mouth into two" She hit your arm, and wiped your dried tears. "Guys, Shall we go to my place?" Jimin asked, knowing that the situation is becoming more and more into cases and that too infront of people. You both nodded, getting back to the right state of mind. 

End of the flashback...

Your POV:

I have no friends other than Jimin and Hana. Only they and Appa knows that my favorite flower is Red roses and Ria's white roses. If only they knew about that, why would anyone give my favorite flower to my own twin? 

This is something curious. I titled my head to find someone near to the yard but no one was there to found. Sighing, I grabbed those dead flowers. "Who's sending you these Ria? Have you told anyone that you like red roses not white?" I spoke, looking at her photo. She might frowning at me. 

"I'm just curious about that. Seems like a stranger paying a visit to you before me. Trust me. Even though I'm leaving to US after another two months, till my last day in here, I'll visit you before anyone else" 


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