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Play - Your eyes tell by BTS

Chapter 10




Author's POV

"Who else...Taehyung's my fiancé" Jennie said smiling at the ring. You plastered a smile on your face. That's weird. "That's great!" You cheered. "Oh well...Would you mind exchanging our numbers?" Jennie asked, taking out her phone.

"Sure!" You responded, sending her the number. "Thanks!" She muttered. "Jen?" A voice interrupted you both, making you to look back. It was Taehyung who was standing with a blank face. Once again, you made a poker face, mentally. 

"Oh Tae!" Jennie stood up, when you looked somewhere else. Why should I stand up?! Your mind questioned from yourself. "Sorry for disturbing your conversation, but shall we go now? Dad is waiting" Taehyung said, eyeing to your figure several times that was facing him the back of yours.

"O-okay" Jennie noticed what Taehyung was eyeing to. With being in two minds, Jennie took her handbag from the table. "So...I'll call you tonight. Let's meet tomorrow" You stood up cause this time it was Jennie who was speaking to you. "yeah sure!" You smiled and hugged her. 

"See you!" Waving her hand, Jennie left the cafertaria, moving her hand to intertwin with Taehyung's but he didn't let her do to so, by inserting his hands inside the trouser pockets. You shook your head in disbelief. Seriously he's something else! 


The start of the next day was a quiet early day. Last night, you phone called with Jennie, planning to visit Ria's grave together. But it was not today. She said she have some work to do so she suggested a time and date, another day. Ofcourse you agreed to visit Ria's grave with her. 

Cleaning yourself, you went downstairs wearing a pink sweater and blue jeans with regular canvas. This time, you wore Ria's favorite outfit. 

"Good Morning Appa!" You greeted to your father, who was making morning breakfast. "Good Morning Princess! Slept well?" He asked, pouring some pancake butter on to the pan. "Yep!" You nodded, gulping down some fresh juice. "Well, where're you going now? Early in the morning?"

"Church" You answered, sitting on the dinning table. Your father only nodded in response. In this age of yours, in this morning, you're not supposed to visit someone's grave but visit the Art Gallery with Ria which she worked in. 


Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung..." I titled my head towards the one who called out my name. "Yes hyung" 

"You have been so quiet lately...What's up man!" He nudge my shoulder. "Nothing" I shook my head, stiffing some toast inside my mouth. "God! You have to be more live these days hum?" Again not to that topic. "Please stop hyung. That's annoying!" I groaned frustratingly. 

"Whatt?! Am I even hearing this?! Yah Kim Taehyung! How can you even say your own wedding is annoying huh? Tell me?" I sighed heavily and dropped down the knife and folk on the table. Seriously it's enough! "Hyung, I know I'm gonna marry but not too soon. I don't like it when someone talking about unrelated topics on that particular situation and I'm saying this like daily" 

"You're talking to your elder brother Taehyung...If you're forgotten" He glared at me so I did. "I know it very well hyung. But you're the one who's dragging unwanted topics here" I rolled my eyes. "Sure! Your upcoming wedding is unwanted" He sniffed in anger. What he is up to? 

"Hyung! Atleast stop dragging arguments early in the morning" I said bit raising my voice when he scoffed at me.

"You still not over on her huh?" You really don't want to drag her here hyung. "What you mean by over on her?" I crooked my eye brows and asked yet I knows what he actually ment. "Over your long lost girlfriend" She's gone hyung...I sighed heavily, getting up from the chair. 

"She's my past. Nothing else" Only thing I know is, hyung was referring to Ria.


Drop your reviews cuties!😌🙇🏻‍♀️

Imma sorry for the short chapter but I guess you get to know something gold from this chp!!🤓😜

Imma sorry for the short chapter but I guess you get to know something gold from this chp!!🤓😜

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