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Play Fix you by Coldplay

Chapter 12




After speeding some time quiet well with Hana you arrived home around the evening. "You were out?" Mr. Lee asked, as he saw you entering the house. "Yep! I hangout with Hana" You said, while hugging him from back. He chucked ruffling your hairs, turning back at you.

"I was just curious to ask you something" Mr. Lee spoke that you knitted your eye brows. "What's the matter?" You asked, leaning the kitchen counter. "When will be you leaving to states again?" You didn't except that question from him and you never though he will even ask it from you.

How nice if you can say that you're staying here for a long time but too bad that the time won't let you stay with your loved ones. "I-I'll be going after few months. Don't mind it" You flashed a recurring smile. 

He just hummed but you knew about something else that was hidden inside him. "Appa...You have something to ask me? hm?" You held his shoulder. He sighed, lowering his gaze. Removing his spectacles, he cupped your face looking deep into your eyes with full of love and pain.

"Y/nah...I live in this present. The past is almost gone. The future, I'm believing it. And I want you to do and be the same my child. Believe in future and live this present as you like. The gone time is not coming again. But it remains as a memory inside your head. That head should only be full of cherish. That's it. Not any soreness. Please" His shaking voice clearing out that he's talking about tomorrow. His children's birthday but now, his child's birthday.

You smiled sadly, removing his hands from your face. "I know Appa...But I'll try my best" You had nothing to say other than saying that. Those words were recurring for him but your eyes says otherwise. Words you spill always not the truth but most of the time it would be a lie. 

You lied cause it's the only way to observe that innocent smile from your father's face. 

Blocking away your tears which was waging a war inside your eyes, you walked out from his sight. Dashing towards your room, you covered your face from your palms.

Why it's so hard?

Why it's always be me?

Why can't I live in peace?

Why I'm failing on each and every step I take to move on from her?

Why me? Just why?

Jerking away your tears, you sat on the bed thinking of tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow you'll live along with her death. Maybe tomorrow that you stop blaming yourself. Maybe tomorrow you'll start to live your life. 

Flash back, November 19th 2013...

"Get your ass up!" Ria threw a pillow on you. You groaned and threw the pillow back at her. "You jack ass! Get up!" She dragged your leg to wake you up. "Urgh! Leave me!" You jerked away her hands. 

"Then get up C'mon!" Since it was a Saturday, you were still on the bed, lost in your own dreams while sleeping. "Y/n! I have to the lunch for Appa!" She whined again. "Go by yourself!" You pull the duet and covered your self from it. "Please Y/n...It's boring to drive alone" She sat on the bed, looking at your lying figure. 

"So what? Am I your entertainer?" You hit her arm. "Not that but yeah...kind of" She chuckled and started to tickle you. "Y-yah! Ahhhhh!! N-noooo!! S-stop!" You laughed scrolling down from the bed. "Ouch my butt!" You shouted as you fell down from the bed. 

"Great! Now go and take a change. I'll be in downstairs" Ria ruffled your hairs and helped you to stand up. "Good girl" She mumbled before leaving the room. 

After doing your morning routine, you went downstairs. You directly went towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. "I'm ready" You said, grabbing an apple from the fridge. "Oh Come! Let's go" Ria stood up from the couch she was sitting and took the lunch from the coffee table. 

Suddenly, Ria's phone rang which she took out with a bright smile on her face. "Umm, Y/n you go and get into the car. I'll come in a minute" She said when you nodded in response. "H-hi" That's all you could hear from her before you leave the living room. Her voice was shaky but a tint of excitement was clearly visible on her face and that made you a doubt some.


Next will update soon>>> Stay tuned!☕

Next will update soon>>> Stay tuned!☕

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