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Play Symphony by Clean Bandit

Chapter 24




He kissed you, again for the second time.

But this time it wasn't filled with forcing or longing, it felt like he's new to this thing and still experimenting, full of care as he kiss your lips lightly. You saw how his eyes flutter close, his long lashes kisses his cheeks and you couldn't help but close your eyes too.

You knew that he wasn't aware that you weren't Ria. You knew he saw you as yourself not your sister. You were sure about that and somehow, you liked it but weren't sure why he was kissing you the second time around this night when he already knew you weren't your sister.

You felt his lips pulled away from yours and he pecks your cheek before he puts his head on your shoulder. You opened your eyes, you feel your heart pumping so fast that your worried that you might hear it. Your cheeks flamed and you weren't sure why.

"T-Taehyung?" You called him but he didn't budge.

You called him again but he still didn't budge. You tap on his shoulder until your heard him relaxed breathing. Did he actually passed out?

You tried hard to push him away from your body slowly and softly, he rolled over to the ground and you saw his sleeping face. You sighed, he dares to get drunk but couldn't bring back himself home. 

What should I do? Should I take him in or call Jungkook?

You shook with your own second idea. Calling Jungkook will burn the flame even more so you thought that, its better if you take him inside your apartment. You rolled your eyes before you tried to pull him up from the ground. Gosh! he's heavy

Your face scrunched as you walked little by little, he was heavy, his body almost hovered above your back when you wrapped your arm around his shoulder. You sat him down infront of the guest room door, and unlocked from the key you took from the key holder near by. Opening the door, you streched your body and lifted him up once again to take him to the bed. 

He was just floating while you were the one who escorting him, bearing the heaviness of kilograms. Dropping him on the bed, you held the sides of your waist, and bent up and down due to the pain. "This creature—" You mumbled, and head towards your room to grab a duet. Removing his coat and shoes, you covered him with duet before switching of the lights.

Closing the door behind, you leaned to the door imagining your day tomorrow. As much as possible you didn't wanted to face him. You didn't wanted to face Taehyung and have an awkward situation with him. But surely, he'll avoid you too right? After all, what he did just now was kind of embarrassing. 


Being an early bird, you made pancakes and some spicy toasts not knowing Taehyung's morning tastes at all. You were making him some porridge when you heard a sound of a voice clearing. You gulped instantly knowing who was source of that sound. You titled your towards him and smiled awkwardly. "You're awake. Good Morning, Mr. Kim" You gulped again, and continued what you were doing. "Good M-morning, Y/n" He replied back, getting down from the stairs. 

"I thought I was kidnapped. The room wasn't familiar when I woke up with a bad headache" He said, squinting his eyes while massaging his temples. "You were drunk, last night" You said, focusing on making the porridge. "Y-yeah. I was drunk and I want to say thank you for not letting me to sleep on the road" He said while scratching his nape.

 You glanced at him. He seems normal and like he don't remember what he did last night. Or does he? "You don't remember what you did, l-last night?" Even a single thought of that night makes you shutter. But hey, he took your first kiss!

He stares at you for a while and shook his head. "I just remember, laying on the streets" You sighed in relief. What if he remembers?! Embarrassing!!

"I-I'm sorry for causing trouble last night, Y/n. I thou—" "You better be, Mr. Kim. If I didn't saw you on the street, You'll end up being the main topic on today's morning newspaper" You said, handing him the plate of porridge. He was out of his mind last night. He almost forgot that he's a leading character in South Korea. That man got drunk and he was laying on the streets...what if it goes viral? He's finish.

"Um, are you living here alone?" He asked, while you were arranging the plates and dishes. "No, My dad went to Busan for few days. Till he arrives, its only me" You answered, wiping your wet hands from the fabric. Suddenly you got remembered of something. Moving your way towards the drawer, you came back and handed Taehyung his wallet and his phone. "These dropped from your coat when I removed it" You said, sitting on the chair, pouring some honey on top of your pancakes. 

You stopped doing your actions because you didn't got any feedback in return and looked up at him only to see him starting at you with wide eyes and half opened mouth. You moved your eyes balls being awkward cause he wasn't even blinking at all. Wait! Was he—Oh my god, NO!

"NO!!!" You shouted at once, standing up from your seat. Taehyung flinched and blinked his eyes continuously. He's probably thinking that I'm a pervert! 

"I-I removed...I mean...I-Its just the coat only, oh and your shoes" You shuttered with wide eyes trying to convince him from his current thought of you. "I removed only your coat because...because I thought it'll will make you uncomfortable...you know" You smiled awkwardly and licked your dried lips. Great, I'm just like a crazy women!

"Um, Well, its fine" Taehyung spoke at last, breaking the silence which was growing between you two. You breathed out heavily before mumbling a sorry. After taking his porridge, he left your apartment as he got more than fifty calls from his home. Who won't get panic when he went missing suddenly?

Cleaning the dining table, you went inside the room where Taehyung slept. You slowly made your way towards the bed and sat on it, moving your palm on the surface of the silk duet. At the same time, your cheeks flashed when you mind cells dragged you to the kiss. A smile too was playing with your lips where you end up biting your lips. 

Looking down your feet in awkward silence, your eyes figured a red bracelet lying on the floor. You frowned as you picked it up from the floor. It was a handloom bracelet with the shades of red and black, and several tiny cubes. Suddenly, a gasp escaped from your mouth when you realized that your twin too wore a same bracelet like this. Dashing towards your room, you opened her cupboard where she kept those accessories and stuff. 

You hands caught a unique bracelet which was same as the one you were holding. You took it out from the case and observed both of them clearly. It didn't took any long for you to understand that it was a couple bracelet.

You heart initially stopped beating when you saw the three letters which the cubes indicated in Taehyung's bracelet. 



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