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Play - Stay by Black Pink

Chapter 07




Author's POV:

Exhaling some fresh air, you stood infront of the balcony, admiring the night lights around the city. After a long chit chat with Jungkook, you arrived home when your mind was filled with his name. Kim Taehyung. 

The way he was staring at you, its like he's studying you clearly more like he doesn't want to get out from that gaze. He stared at you like he knows you already. But only you knew, that he's a totally new person to you. First to be a stranger and now your client. 

You dragged away from those thoughts when you phone beeped indicating that someone was calling you. Lazily without glancing at the caller ID you answered the call. "Yeoboseyo" You spoke up. "Ye-boso what?" You frowned your eye brows and then quickly looked at the caller ID. "Am I talking to Y/n?" The girl, who talked from the other side asked. "Ya ya...Sorry Bella, I thought it was Jungkook" You said, yawning a little as the day was way too exhausted to you. "Jungle boo- what? Wait! Are you drunk?" She questioned you curiously when you chuckled a little.

 "No I'm not. Its that you're foreign to Korean" You chuckled again making her sighed in annoyed. "Anyways, how was the meeting? You only texted me" She asked, continuing the conversation. "We can have a positive result. Hopefully. I still haven't get those designs but Mr. Kim said he'll launch me the designs in the big meeting. For that, it takes time" You said, playing with the frills of your night dress. "Sounds great. Don't worry about here. Everything in here is going and doing nicely. You just focus on this business matter okay?" She said grimily. "I was not even worrying about" You laughed when she yelled your name from the other side. 

"Whatever. I have some work to do...I'll call you later" "Yeah! Bye" You disconnected the call and walked inside to your room. Lying yourself on the bed, you stared at the ceiling thinking about tomorrow. Tomorrow you thought of meeting your other two friends, whom you lost contact for years. "I can't be sure if this plan work or not but still I have to give it a try" You mumbled rolling on the bed. Having a evil plan on your genius brain, you took the phone and called Jungkook.

"You called me when I gonna have my first bite of the burgher" You heard him groan in annoyance. "I'm sorry I'm sorry for disturbing your highness's snack time but you can have it later" You said in a serious tone. "Why you're saying like that? How can you stop me by eating huh?" Jungkook mocked when you wore a poker face even though he can't see you.

"Listen, I need you help Jungkook" You bit your lip in nervousness. "And how do i need to help you?" He asked making you licked your dried lips. "Umm...Actually I need to meet Hana and Jimin too. And I don't want them to think bad about me by meeting them lately. So I'm free tomorrow, I thought of meeting tomorrow itself" You said from a one breathe. "Wait wait. How can I h--"

"First listen! I haven't completed yet" You shouted. "yeah yeah continue..." He was pissed off. "The foremost thing should be done by you. You need to call the both of them and tell them to come to the Starbucks, that's infront of the central park. Got it?" You finished. "Hmm...Yeah I guess?" You heard he's sipping something. "Jungkook concentrate!!" You yelled again, making him choke. 

You moved the phone away from your ear in irritation as Jungkook kept coughing till his lungs come out. "Finish?" You started talking. "I learned a lesson from this. Don't eat or drink while in a call" You heard him clearing his throat when you chuckled at his childness. "Okay so do what I said. Call them at tell them to meet you at sharp 10 am. Location, Starbucks infront of the central park and the time, sharp 10 am. Just in case if they asked why, tell them it's an urgent" 

𝐘𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐍𝐨 || 𝐊𝐓𝐇✔Where stories live. Discover now