Chapter 30

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Jeez, we've hit chapter 30!  

This is way longer than the first book huh? xD

Anyways, I've had some people tell me that Hikari herself is a bit confusing, so here are some things that might help clear the confusion:

The ???'s pov from earlier before is hers.

She was the one who told Hornet to get her.

There is more of course, but that's all I can divulge. ^-^


Now, enjoy!


~Sting's P.O.V.~

        "Sting-kun, where are you going??" Lector called for me as I ran in the pouring rain.

        "I'm following Jessie's scent!" I yelled, still running.

        "What do you mean??" Mark asked.  I sighed and stopped running.  They almost crashed into me, but stopped in time.

        "The rain, it's hers," I urged.

        "How do you know?" Lexi asked.  I looked up into the rain, reminiscing about a certain memory.


        "Jessie!  What are you doing here in the rain?  Shouldn't you be back at the guild?" 

        "I don't know if I should stay at the guild anymore.." she sniffled.  

        "You can't say that!  That isn't what he would've wanted!"

        "How would you know?!  He's gone and I won't ever see him again!"  I gripped onto her shoulders, forcing her to look up at me with her tear filled eyes.

        "He loved, no, loves you Jessie.  He would never want you to leave because of him!"  Tears started pouring down her face harder, somehow making the rain pour harder too.

        "I should've seen it...if I just saw it, if he just told me--"

        "No 'if's Jessie," I said seriously.  I used my thumb to wipe her tears away, and I swear the rain started to stop because of it.  "Old man didn't want you to know because he didn't want you to spend your life trying to save him."


        "No buts either," I stopped her again.  She slightly giggled, making me smile.  "Now come on, he would've wanted you to continue living happily, okay?"  She nodded.

        "Okay," she grinned.  I grabbed her hand and smirked.

        "Good.  Now come on, I heard Rogue found a good job for us!"

~End of Flashback~

        "I...I just do, okay?" I murmured, remembering how the rain felt on my face that day.  "Also, her scent is everywhere."

        "If it's everywhere, how do you know where she is?" Lexi asked, a bit skeptical.  I pointed in the direction I had been running.

        "There," I said.  "That direction is where the scent is strongest."

        "But--"  Mark stopped her halfway.

        "I trust him," Mark said, making me smile a bit.  He nodded to me.  "Lead the way."  I nodded back and started to run again, them behind me.

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