Chapter 37

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I'm going to try to make the chapters as long as possible since the last few have been really short and I've been told that this book is getting too long. ^^'



~Jessie's P.O.V.~

"Oi brat!" a voice entered my cell. I had been relocated to the cells with metal doors instead of metal bars. There was nothing there, just pure metal walls and no windows and no light. It was unbelievably cold, but my Ice-Make ability helps me cope with it. However, over the last few days I've grown weaker with each passing minute. It's not like I care anymore though; I'm happy enough that everyone will stop getting hurt because of me.

The door opened with a big creak. Hikari came in with a innocent smile on her face. I was sitting on the floor, my arms wrapped around my curled knees. There were antimagic chains cuffed on both of my ankles and wrists, but I had a little bit of movability. "Here dear," she said in a fake warm voice as she set a tray filled with food down. I disinterestedly looked at it. My stomach was gnawing my insides in hunger, but I had no will to eat. "I know you're hungry Jessie-chan," Hikari pouted. "I'm dearly sorry for poisoning your food that one time, I promise I've become a better person." I looked at her with an expression that looks like I've given up (kinda like the picture). Hikari smirked at my reaction and laughed.

"You know, the look on your face, that despair, it's absolutely priceless!" she laughed with a hint of evilness in her tone. "Ah, well, for now I must go. The time for your death is soon my dear, so look forward to that," she smirked before leaving the room and locking the metal door. I sighed to myself and continued looking down at the floor, tightening my grip on my knees.

"Jessie.." I slightly looked up to see Caesar looking at me worriedly. He had been the one to update me on what day it is, what they've been doing, etc. He was the one who had told me that a day had passed and also saved me from eating the poisoned food. I didn't answer him and instead continued looking down. "Jessie, please, you gotta eat," he pleaded. "You didn't eat your last two meals..." I didn't answer him. He sighed in frustration and knelled in front of me. "Jessie, why aren't you doing anything...?" he asked me in a soft tone. "You're better than this. If you really wanted to, you could've escaped already.." There was a moment of pure silence before I answered.

"What if....I don't want to escape?" I whispered. Caesar's eyes widened.

"What?!" he exclaimed, making me flinch.

"It's not like anyone's going to save me," I mumbled in a given up tone.

"Jessie, you gotta escape! If not, you'll get..." Caesar trailed off, but I knew what he was going to say.

"I know," I murmured. "But that's a better fate that harming the people I care about.."

"No it's not!" Caesar suddenly shouted, making me jump in surprise. The chains made a harsh clanking noise as a result.

"Oi, what's going on back there?" The little door in the middle of the metal door slided open to show black sunglasses. Based from the smell, it was probably Hebi, that man who had Chain Magic. I quickly went back to my curled up position and waited until I heard a scoff and him say, "Stupid girl." When I heard the the door sliding back down, I looked slightly up to face Caesar.

"Why do you care anyways?" I muttered. "How do you even know me?" Caesar looked at me hesitantly and bit his lip.

"W-well..." he stuttered. I sighed and rested my head back on the top of my knees.

"What does it matter? I'm going to die soon anyways..."

"You can't say that," Caesar said in a desperate tone. "Please....I can't lose both of you...not like this..." My eyes slightly widened at his words and I looked back up to see tears trickling down his face. I had no idea why, but I felt a twinge of pain in my heart. It was as if I hated seeing him like this, but...I barely knew him..he was just a hallucination..

"Ah.." I winced in pain as the ringing in my head started to get louder.

"Why can't you do this?! It's just a stupid spell!" Caesar's voice rumbled in my head, but it sounded faded and echoed. His voice in my head made the ringing worse and the pain unbearable.

"I'm...sorry.." those words escaped my lips, but I'm not sure why I saying it.

"Jessie?" the real Caesar rubbed his tears away and looked at me. Tears started rolling down my cheeks.

"I-I'm...s-sor..ry.." My vision started to turn black and I collapsed onto the floor.

"JESSIE!" Caesar called for me. He tried to shake me, but his hands went right through my shoulders. "Oi Jessie, what's wrong?!" I opened my mouth to answer, but no sound came out and my vision turned completely black.

~Hikari's P.O.V.~

I leaned against the wall next to Jessie's door. Hebi had called me saying that she had caused a loud sound and is talking to herself. "What does it matter? I'm going to die soon anyways.." I smirked when I heard those words. I've finally broken the wretched replacement for my daughter...

"Looks like we've finally broken her huh?" Hebi smirked.

"Desho..." I nodded with an evil smile on my lips. "Shikashi, we still have our plan to finish.."

"We almost have enough magic power for that my lady," Hebi nodded. "Also...did you actually poison that tray of food you gave her today?" My pink eyes traveled to Hebi.

"Why do you ask?"

"Iya...I was just asking because...of..." he trailed off as he started to shake in fear. With one swift movement of my hand, black feathers in shape of a whip coiled around his neck.

"Are you suggesting that I am going soft on this girl because she was suppose to be the replacement of my daughter?" I ask darkly.

"O-of course lady.." Hebi gasped. I scoff at his patheticness at uncoil the whip. His frail body fell to the floor with a dull thud and he gasped for air.

"Pathetic humans," I scoffed. It's hard to believe that...he was a human though.. a soft voice said in the back of my head.

"I'm...sorry..." My eyes widened as I heard someone say that the exact same way she did. I silently opened up the small door and looked inside to see Jessie clutching her head in pain. My pupils shrank as I could feel magic power similar to Caesar.

"But how is that...possible..?" I murmured to myself in disbelief. He's dead. I know he is, his dead body was on top of mine that day. "Masaka..."

"I-i-itai.." I quickly shut the door and turned around as I heard the groans of Hebi. I slowly walked down the hall.

"Prepare the machine as quickly as possible," I said in a monotonous tone.

"H-heh?" Hebi exclaimed.

"THAT'S AN ORDER!" I yelled, making him jump in fear.

"Y-yokai my lady!" he said really quickly before scrambling towards the direction of where the machine is. I rubbed the temples of my forehead. It's not can't be her.. I smirked to myself. It's that memory spell on her that's making me think it's ne...

"Atleast I'll get to see her suffer more," I said out loud and laughed to myself.

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