Chapter 22

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I'm sorry for not updating!!  I have a lot of books okay??

Jessie: Hey, that's an excuse!


Jessie: *quivers* B-back to the story!


~Sting's P.O.V.~

        Consciousness slowly started to seep back into my head.  Huh? W-what...?  Everything was black, and I couldn't grasp any recollection of what had happened. My mind felt too fuzzy, and I couldn't understand why. I felt so weak and frail, which was rare for me. Flickering lights distracted my already pitch-black vision, and the upper part of my right arm felt sore of some reason.  My eyelids slowly flickered open, and even though the light didn't really bother me, my vision was a mess of blurred colors.  I could vaguely figure out a humanlike shape standing in front of me that looked like a blob of purple to me.  "...sar?" I could faintly hear the figure say something, its silhouette moving left and right.  I squinted my eyes to focus my surroundings, and soon it was coherent enough for me to be able to make out who the person was.

        "J-Jessie...?" I murmured when the figure became more clear.  My throat felt raw and dry when I spoke..why? I absentmindedly asked myself.  She flinched in surprise at the sound of me talking and pivoted around to face me.  She blinked, and then realized that I was awake.

        "Hey Sting," she softly smiled and started walking over me. My vision was still blurred, but I could tell that she had a couple scratches all over her arms.  

        "You..why..?" I frowned.  She sat at the edge of whatever I was laying on (a bed? I think??) and mirrored my frown.  

        "What Sting?" she asked in a calm tone.  

         "You're hurt.." I croaked.  "Why?"  Jessie's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something, but then hesitated.  

         "Well.."  She seemed reluctant to tell me whatever the answer was.  My frown deepened and I was about to ask about her reluctance when sudden recollection hits me.  Pictures of me pulling a dagger on Jessie, fighting her, and then pinning her down.  My eyes grew as wide as plates as an image of me gripping a dagger in my chest and pointing it at Jessie's heart.  Oh Mavis, what have I done?  Heat flared in the back of my eyes, bringing tears to the corner of my eyes.  I don't deserve to be called her friend.. 

         Jessie noticed the tears welling up in my eyes and moved towards me.  "Sting.." she reached out her hand to comfort me.  I feared that whatever thing possessed me would do it again and try to hurt her, I tried to move away, but it only made me wince in pain.  Every nerve in my body screamed in agony from the attempt to be used as they were clearly exhausted. She frowned and reached for my forehead, but I used every ounce of energy I still had to push her hand away, flinching as I did so.

        "Please...stay away.." I croaked, still trying to back away, but I couldn't even sit up, much less move my body.

        "Sting.." she said my name again, her voice laced with worry this time.  She tried again, and I tilted my head away from her.

        "Please..." I whispered, my voice starting to crack.  "Stay away from me..."  The tears grew larger.  "Can't you see.. I'll just hurt you again?" 

         "..." Jessie stayed silent, and for a second I thought she would actually leave me.  However, I felt something very warm squeezing my hands, telling me that she wasn't going to do so.  My eyes shifted to the palms of my hands to see Jessie's gently grasping them.  I weakly tried to pull it away, but she held it firmly.

        "Sting, I know you wouldn't try to hurt me," she said with a warm smile.  My pupils dilated in shock and the tears I was trying to hold back now started to roll down my cheeks.

        "Don't you see?" I whimpered, still trying to pull away.  "I've already hurt you before!"  I know what I was saying, but I don't care.  No memories or not, I needed her to stay away from me, so that she won't get hurt anymore...  "I've already gotten you kicked out of the guild, and now..."  Tears started to fall down my cheek uncontrollably.  "...I tried to kill you..."  At that moment, Jessie sat beside me on the bed I laid.  She then place my head on her lap and stroked my hair.  I looked up to her, shocked.  What was she doing?  And her scent...  She smells like....rain kissed flowers...

        "Sting, I forgive you," she said with a warm smile. My eyes widened and more tears started to fall onto her lap.

        "You....forgive me?" I whispered, looking up at her. She nodded.

        "It wasn't your fault, you were under a spell," she explained in a soothing tone.

        "But I..." I said, but trailed off as the feeling of Jessie stroking my hair got to me. It feels so...comforting and warm... "I..." My eyelids started to get heavy, and my entire body yearned for sleep.

        "Get some sleep Sting.." Jessie said in a gentle tone.  I tried to fight it, but I eventually gave in and slowly closed to my eyes.  The last thing I thought of was how I always...looked forward to smelling her scent, of rain kissed flowers...


OMG, the feels, and I'm the one writing this....

Anyways, hoped you like it?




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