Chapter 35

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~Sting's P.O.V.~

"A day and a half?" I wrote in the air. Dr. Dana nodded as she pushed her glasses back.

"I'm honestly surprised that it wasn't more," she noted. "Your lungs are a bit damaged from lack of air and your vocal cords are swollen." I let go of Lector and he sits on the chair beside me. I already knew the answer, but I wrote my next question anyways.

"Where's Jessie?"

"I'm quite sure you're smart enough to know yourself," the doctor sighed. I slightly nodded and slightly bit my lip to stop the tears threatening to come out. I was suppose to protect her, but I failed in even rescuing her. If you weren't so mad at her for just hugging Mark, none of this would've happened, a voice inside my head said.

"How and why did you rescue us?" I hesitantly wrote in the air, wanting to change the subject.

"This is my house, I hope you realize that," Dr. Dana raised her eyebrow. I nodded and looked out a window near me. The sun was high in the sky, signalling that it was already the afternoon. However, it was hard to tell as there were trees practically everywhere and it blocked most of the view of the sky.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"Well, I have lived in this house only for a couple years, and this forest is sort of near those damn Skull Knights," she explained. "Sometimes their goons come here and annoy me, so I've been keeping track of them for some time." A flash of sadness flickered in her eyes. "That was when..I heard about what they had done to E-, Jessie 16 years ago, and then about how they had kidnapped her just 2 days ago." My eyes widened. She had been kidnapped 16 years ago?

~Mini Flashback~

"Ne Jessie, how did you meet Mizula in the first place?" I had asked her one day. A young Jessie was leaning on the wall when I had asked her. She lamely shrugged.

"Why do you need to know?" she asked.

"Just curious," I answered.

"Well, I was running away from someone," she muttered, but I could still hear her.

"From what?" I frowned.

"From Hornet." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and it was hard to hear with all the background noise.

"Huh?" I said weirdly.

"Um, nothing," she waved off. "Hey, I'm a bit low on money, wanna go on a job with me?"

"Sure!" I grinned, forgetting about our conversation.

~End of Flashback~

"So, when I had heard about Jessie being kidnapped again, I went back to rescue her, but it seems like I was too late at the time and the best I could do was save you 3, plus your weird cats." I snapped back to reality when Dr. Dana finished explaining.

"Hey, I'm not weird!" Lector snapped.

"No need to get angry cat," she rolled her eyes. While they were arguing, I tried to shift my body so that I could stand. I was quite surprised at how hard it was to even lift my body of the bed, much less push myself off it. Unfortunately, by the time I was about to shift to the right, they had noticed what I was doing. Dr. Dana immediately pushed me back into a laid down position, making me mentally facepalm. All that struggle for nothing.

"You're not allowed to stand up just yet," Dr. Dana cocked her eyebrow. "Although, you're quite full of surprises; your physical strength and endurance must be quite strong in order for you to even move." The old me would've smirked and said something arrogant at that comment, but that wasn't me anymore. I barely cared.

"I'm fine," I wrote but for some reason the letters were starting to get faint. "Really."

"No, you're not," Dr. Dana shook her head. "Lady Hikari, as the Skull Knights' guild master, has a magic called Angel Purity." I was slightly shocked that that wench was the guild master, but allowed her to continue. "It's a very ancient magic that allows you to not only manipulate a person's "dark" and "light side", but also uses the person's magic power against them, using theirs instead of themselves'."

"Light and dark side?" I wrote, frowning. What did that mean?

"Basically Lady Hikari can manipulate a person to do whatever she wants, while still making the person act like their dark personality and suppress their 'light side', or normal self," she explained grimly. "The whip she had made with her magic is not one of those spells, however it did drain your magic power." That explains why the pain and blurriness lingered after being released from that whip, I thought in my head. "Say, have you felt like this before?" she asked. "Minus the no speaking part of course." I thought about it for a moment, but a fit of coughs stopped my train of thought. Each cough made my throat burn like hell.

"Sting-kun!" Lector cried in worry.

"Cat, give me that bottle and cup over there," Dr. Dana ordered. Lector obeyed and used his wings to reach a shelf with said bottle and cup and handed it back to her. She took it and poured about half of it into the cup. She handed it to me after my coughing had subsided. I frowned and was about to ask what it was when she commanded, "Just drink it." I hesitated, but took the cup and gulped down its contents. Almost immediately the world started to wobble and my mind hazy. I tried to lift my hand, but my entire body was starting to feel numb. "Get a good sleep okay?" Dr. Dana said in a calm tone before the black spots in my vision grew and the whole world became black.

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