Chapter 4

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Hi minna-san~!  Just letting you know that I really appreciate comments or criticism!  They motivate me to continue these stories~!

I'm going to dedicate this to @FairySail for giving me such great comments on my first book! <3

Anyways, here's chapter 4!


~Lexi's P.O.V.~

        "Where is she?  Where is she?!" I screamed as I ran around in circles (literally) in the middle of the guild.  Jessie hadn't come home last night, so I stayed here all night, with no sleep.  Now it was 10:00 in the morning, and almost everyone was here already.  "Where could she be?!"

        "Calm down Lexi..." sighed Gray.  "Maybe she did it with Sting and stayed at his place..."

        "NO!  JESSIE WOULD NOT DO THAT!"  I yelled, still running.  I really needed sleep at this point, but I was too worried about Jessie and why she wasn't here.

        "Well, I'm sure she's fine Lexi," said Erza, but she didn't sound so sure.  I mean, she was crushing her wooden cup into pieces.  I've only seen her do that when she was anxious about something.

        "You don't sound so confident," I said while running.

        "I-I know she'll be fine!"

        "Well, I'm sure she's fine," said Natsu, who was holding Max's shirt by the collar.  "Right Happy?"

        "Aye sir!"  Just then the door bursted open.

        "Sorry I'm late minna!" she said with a very bright smile on.  Next to her was a man that I did not know, but I didn't care at that moment.

        "JESHIEEEEEE!!" I yelled flying at top speed and running right into her stomach.

~Jessie's P.O.V.~

        The first thing that greeted me was Lexi flying straight onto my stomach, which I anticipated and she instead flew into my arms.  "Hey whoa whoa, I'm alive, no need to cry," I chuckled as I pet her soft head.

        "B-but y-you didn't c-come back and I...!" she said in between sobs.  I sighed and reached into my dress's pocket and came out with a raspberry.  I always kept raspberries in my pocket for situations like this.  Lexi's bagged eyes lit up and she snatched it from my hand and popped it into her mouth.

        "Better?" I grinned.

        "Aye," she weakly smiled.  She laid down on my arms and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.  Just then all of Team Natsu came up to me.

        "Where were you??" asked Erza, who was holding a crushed wooden cup in her hands.  "And who is he?" she gestured towards Mark, who was looking around the guild in awe.  I softly "ahem"ed and he snapped back into reality.

        "You sure you're still not six?" I grinned. 

        "S-shut up," he murmured.  Suddenly a sword appeared in Erza's hand and she pointed it at Mark's neck.

        "O-oi, Erz--"

        "Who are you and what connection do you have with Jessie??" Erza asked seriously.  Instead of quivering in fear like Natsu and Gray do, Mark smirked and dissapeared.  "What?" Erza said in surprised.

        "Down here."  Erza looked down to see a shadow of Mark.  He came back up and took ahold of Erza's arms, making her drop the sword.  He then twisted it behind her back.  Erza struggled to get free, but failed to.  Natsu's and Gray's jaw dropped while I looked at Mark in surprise.

        "Transformation magic.." I trailed off.  Mark let go of an angry Erza.

        "Just like Father," Mark finished for me.  "Well, except that it's a bit more advanced."

        "Hey wait, does that mean you're a Shadow Dragon Slayer?" asked Natsu, poking Mark.

        "What?  NO!" answered Mark, swatting Natsu's hand away.  "Jessie, who is this guy??"

        "That's Natsu, the Salamander," I smirked.

        "What?!" said Mark in surprise.  "This guy's the person who beat the Twin Dragons by himself?!"

        "Yeah, what of it?" asked Natsu.

        "I expected someone less...idiotic?" admitted Mark.

        "HEY!!"  growled Natsu, fire surrounding his hand.  "YOU WANNA FIGHT?!"

        "No, you can not fight him," said Erza as she brushed off imaginary dust of her armor, "BECAUSE I'M GOING TO FIGHT HIM!!"  Suddenly Erza requiped into her Heavenly Wheel Armor and about a hundred swords surrounded her, all pointed at Mark.

        "U-um.." Mark sweatdropped.  I sighed, stood in front of Mark, and slapped both Erza and Natsu.

        "No one's fighting anyone!  YOU HEAR ME?!" I yelled.

        "H-hai!" said Natsu.

        "Fine," growled Erza.  She requiped back to her normal clothes and the swords dissapeared.

        "Okay, let's start over," I said, still holding a sleeping Lexi in my arms.  "Everyone, this is Mark, my older brother."

        "YOUR OLDER BROTHER?!?!" they all yelled in unison.

        "Oh, this is going to take a while..." I sighed to myself.

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