weird girl with a weird book

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"You idiot!" Watching tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber bricker about their nonsense is the reason why I like watching since their expressions toward each other is funny, but also the reason why I like don't watch since watching them is like watching two squirrels fighting over an acorn.

"When are they going to stop with this nonsense?" Tadashi was pretty much defeated since the two idiots walked in here.

"When they start growing a brain" He gave out a sigh at my remark, knowing that will never happen soon.

"what a jerk"

I looked out the corner of my eye at the quiet remark and my eyes falls on a girl who was reading a book one seat across from me.

'Crash'. The title of the book. It was a weird one. Had a baby with a drawn mustache on its face with an obnoxious green colour that you could probably see from a mile away. She seems to be starting the book as one side had lots of pages and the other only had a few. Unless you have to read the book backwards which doesn't surprise me since it would fit the weirdness.

"Tsukishima! Are you ready?!" The girl looked up in my direction at the sudden noise. I quickly looked away from her and her weird book to the no-brained twins and Tadashi who were about to go out of the classroom door.

"Yeah, I'm ready" I got up from my seat and walked toward them. We all headed out of the door with dumb 1 & dumb 2 in front and Tadashi right beside me. I turned back to the door to close it but once again my eyes found her.

This time she laid back in her chair and rubbed one of her hands against her face as if she was about to give up on the book.

I know I would.

She slowly put her hand down away from her face. I could see her face.

She's pretty.

Her brows scrunch together as she puff out her cheeks and gave out a big sigh. Her lips turned into a frown when her eyes started to move fast along the lines she was reading. She wasn't enjoying the book, that much I could tell.

"Tsukki?" I quickly closed the door with a bang. Both me and Tadashi jumped at the loud noise in a quiet environment.

"What, Tadashi?" We both started walking ahead while Tadashi pointed in front of us to show the two of the simpletons have started walking far from me and Tadashi.

"We better hurry up, we don't want to miss them"

"Hm," We both walked quietly. And as I thought, I couldn't get my mind off of that book. Maybe it's the picture on the cover, the ugly green colour, or the weird name.

Or maybe it's the pretty reader who was reading a weird book.

Or maybe it's the pretty reader who was reading a weird book

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an: Crash by Jerry Spinelli. I read it in the 6th grade and was now remembered for it so I decided to put it in.

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