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This was it. The final activity.

"I'm glad the final activity is in the mall! there's so much to do in here!" Roy skipped her way into the mall and waited for the rest of us.

"I'm just happy that the mall isn't far from our houses, it would've taken us an hour but luckily we're fast walkers" Yamaguchi sighed as we all took a seat in one of the lounging areas.

"I had a sleepover at Roy's since her place is a lot closer than mine, took a lot of convincing during those two days but my parents said yes" I took a look around and saw the mall was kinda bear.

"We have a lot of time before the clay-making activity, what do you guys want to do?" I shrugged my shoulders, knowing I wouldn't mind anything at all. Yamaguchi seems to be in the same boat as you. So the only person left was...

"Let's walk around!" Roy sprang out of her seat and started walking. Yamaguchi was the first to follow and soon I and Tsukishima followed as well. While walking I spotted a store nearby and went over to grab everyone's attention.

"I'm going over to grab some crepe, do you guys want some?" Roy looked over at the store and thought about it for a while. Tsukishima already took his place beside him while Yamaguchi waited for Roy.

"No thanks, I wanted smoothies!" And once again, the group has split up into two.

"I'm getting the strawberry crepe," I told the cash register as Tsukishima was looking at the menu.

"I will get the same thing as her" The cash register, who was an older aged man nodded his head and smiled at us.

"What a good-looking couple you two make" The both of us froze at his statement and tried to tell him that we were not a couple but he was already gone making the crepes.

We both look at each other and laughed. That was the first time someone had mistaken us for a couple.

"Here you go, lovelies" Tsukishima grabbed both our crepes and gave me my own.

"Thank you!" "Thank you"

We went out of the store and started walking around.

"I remember when you said you and Takahashi weren't in the book hunt for the money" I nodded at Tsukishima who was taking a bite out of his crepe.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓 ✩ ᴋ.ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ Where stories live. Discover now