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After that whole fiasco, we went to our painting station and waited for the host. Once the host had shown up, they explained the whole rules once again. It was the same, ten groups would go home empty-handed while the rest will get books with clues. Everyone got started with the painting once the rules were said.

"Should we have a theme again?" Yamaguchi and Roy had gotten closer to me and Tsukishima.

"What kind of theme are we going for now?" Roy looked around us to give her an idea of what theme we should have.

"How about, our clues from the books?" Tsukishima lazily raised one of his hands to grab our attention. Not saying anything for a moment but right off bat, we let out joyous cheers.

"That's a great idea! I could do the little kid who kept saying until next week!" Roy got in front of her canvas.

"And I could do the couple with the dogs on the beach" Yamaguchi started to open the paints.

"And I will do two lovers painting during their sessions!" I look over at Tsukishima who just shrugged and gave me a small joking smile.

"Guess I have to do the women who got ran over by a bus, huh" once he finishes his sentence, I widen my eyes to the realization that his painting will be very, well... bloody.

"You could do the women sitting on the bus! Make her look at the window with dread since you said she only got on the bus to tell the man she was having his child!" Roy leaned back to face Tsukishima to tell him her solution.

"Hm, alright" I sighed in relief that there won't be any blood in any paintings. Tsukishima looked over at me with a humorous look before looking off at other people's paintings.

"Oh look [ LN ], someone's painting a person getting eaten by a shark, and there's blood" I shoved my face to my canvas to make sure not to get a glimpse at the said painting and looked over at Tsukishima who gave me a taunting smile.

"I hope you get eaten by a shark" Tsukishima leaned down towards me so close that my breath could fog up his glasses.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, say that to me one more time" I frowned my eyebrows once I got a look of his small smirk that he didn't bother hiding.

"Not only are you incapable of seeing but you're also incapable of hearing too" His smirk only got bigger once I gave him the same energy.

"I said, I hope you get eaten by a shark" I got closer to his face and we began to stare at each other. None of us stopped until we heard a cough.

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓 ✩ ᴋ.ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ Where stories live. Discover now