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'This is a lot harder than I thought'

I held my phone as I was about to start typing but I realized that I couldn't think of anything.

How about, "hey let's hang out today!"

No. That sounds a bit too forced.

Or, "are you free today?"

No, that sounds like I'm not confident.

"You, me, tonight"


I slide out of Tsukishima's messages and went over to Roy's.

[ yn ]: Roy, I need help on how to ask tsukishima out

loml 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕: NO WAY!! UR ASKING HIM OUT!!

[ yn ]: please, I'm having a mental crisis here🥲

loml 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩💕: hm ok ok, maybe just ask him! He can't say no to you!
you got this, babe!😋👍

That wasn't the answer I was looking for. The problem wasn't asking him, it was how to ask him.

I gave out a sigh as I couldn't explain it to Roy as she will ask questions and I was on a time limit here. So last resort was...

[ yn ]: how do you usually ask Tsukishima to hang out?

Yamaguchi: well hello to you too [ LN ], to answer your question, I just bribe him with strawberry shortcakes.
Since you already know it's his favourite

I overlook the last text Yamaguchi had sent and replied to him back as I got ready to buy Tsukishima's bribe.

[ yn ]: thanks, got it, tysm Yamaguchi!

Yamaguchi: if you're planning on asking him to hang out with you, you don't have to bribe him

[ yn ]: huh? What do you mean? If his best friend has to bribe him to hang out with him, then I must do the same, right?

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