spending time

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I reread the texts I have gotten from my friends. The hints are getting easier and easier that we didn't need to group up.

tsukishima: tour guide, fun.

Yamaguchi: we have five more days! that's pretty soon.


My hint? Writing.

Let's hope this goes well. And that there are no bugs.

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"TAKAHASHI? WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY BUG SPRAYS?!" Yamaguchi gawked over how many sprays Roy had, she even has a belt filled with sprays and a small backpack also filled with sprays.

"You can never have too many...AH BUG" Roy started scattering around as she sprayed the air for the bug while doing so, she also sprayed some bystanders along.

"Roy! Stop that right now, you're spraying people around us!" I pulled Roy aside as I gave to poor victims an apologetic look.

"They should be lucky that I even sprayed them, given that I won't share with anyone" Roy huffed. We all gather up to enter the tour bus. Unlike how some bus seats were with the seats facing the front, the seats in this bus were facing the sides. We hurried on the bus to get lucky seats that were together.

Luck was on our side.

All sitting together, we looked up once the bus driver, who was also our tour guide, spoke on the speaker.

"Let's get started, folks! Once we get into the guide, the first thing we'll see is the flower field! Very pretty and colourful!"

It went on like this for some time. With the driver telling us the land sights and the stories for them, we finally made it to the site where 10 associates of the book hunt stood.

We all got off the bus which didn't take long since there weren't many groups. We were all in our second to last activity. 

"May I have your attention, please? Thank you, as you all know you will be writing, but as a group" Me and Roy looked at each other with interest spark in our eyes.

"How this will work is that one of you will start writing, but the twist is that you will have a limited time, which is 12 minutes each, Once the time is up you will have to hand over the rest of the story to another person in your group and they will have to go on from there and so on, understand so far?" Nodding our heads in understanding, they went on.

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