very loud besties

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"WHAT?! YOU DIDN'T LIKE IT?!" Standing right in front of my desk was Royal, crying now that she has to pay for my drink for a week.

"Well, We both should've seen it coming" With my elbow on my desk and head on my hand, I gave out a shrug, not feeling bad whatsoever.

"But, what about his sister? And how he would things to his sister would do when she was in the hospital?! Did you not cry??!" She started out waving both of her hands in the air and both of them ended up slamming against my desk and leaning over to me with our faces close together.

"No, I did not cry" I wasn't even fazed about her outburst, it became a daily thing where she would outburst to anything.

"Hmph, you have no feelings" She walked over to her seat and plopped down on it with cross arms and a pout.

"That's one of the greatest things I ever heard in my entire life!" I chuckle at her face once she heard my response, showing her that it did nothing to me whatsoever. Maybe she's right, Maybe I don't have feelings.

" [ YN ]!! "


Great, another simpleton.

"Hey, sorry for being late, Tsukki" Tadashi came in a bit late. We would walk together but this morning he was falling behind time and told me to go on ahead.

"No, you should be grateful that you're late, you wouldn't even have to hear what that simpleton yelled" Tadashi looked around the classroom with a confused look on his face. Once he was done scanning, he looked over at me with an even more confused look.

"I don't see Hinata, Tanaka or Nishinoya...or Kageyama, who are you talking about?" I internally laughed at how he indirectly called those four simpletons. I nodded my head behind me. Indirectly pointing at the short hair girl.

"Her, she was yelling about something to that other girl who's sitting beside her" He looked over behind me and gave an 'oh' look.

"You mean Takahashi and [ LN ]?" I snapped my eyes toward him and he slightly jumped at the sudden eye contact.

"You know them?" I said in a tone that was not curiosity, no it was a tone of judgment. How does he know a loud girl and a girl who reads weird books?

"B.O.B," He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the universe. But in reality, it was the most concerning thing to hear.

"Who's bob? And why are you talking to them?" Tadashi gave out a confused look but realization came into him and he started laughing loudly.

"Haha Tsukki, B.O.B isn't a person, B.O.B stands for Battle Of The Books" wiping off a tear in his eye, he started explaining more.

"Takahashi and [ LN ] won all of their battle about books when we were all third years in middle school, they were even on the school's newspaper" I started ranking in my memories to see if I could remember about any of this. But no luck.

"Huh, so they're both nerds"



I turned my head towards a green-haired fella who seemed to be lecturing his friend who didn't pay attention to him.

It's way too early for this.

It's way too early for this

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an: uh awkward. The book Roy was talking about is Smiles to go by Jerry Spinelli. I got both of his books mixed up.

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