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"We all made pottery for each other! It was crazy how we all got the same idea to make each other one! It was like we were telepathic together!"

I and Roy were sitting beside a headstone. We talked to the headstone for some time, telling it what have happened during the book hunt.

"I'm really sad it's over though, the book hunt was fun! Right, [ YN ]?" I looked from the headstone to Roy. We both have the winning book in our hands. We didn't think about the money so we gave it to the guys, they tried to convince us to split it up before I and Roy declined.

We only wanted the book and now we have it.

"It was really fun, we became really good friends with the other two members who are also our classmates" Roy nodded and held up a finger.

"There's this guy named Yamaguchi Tadashi, he has darkish green hair and lots of freckles and he could do this float thing in volleyball, I bet it looks super cool! Also, he's super nice and really cute!!" Her expression went neutral almost bored as she put another finger up.

"Oh, he also has this friend named Tsukishima, he's tall" That was all she said. I gave out a sigh. Why does she act like he was a piece of gum stuck in her hair?

"But I'm pretty sure [ YN ] can tell you more!~" Roy gave me a teasing smile and nudge me with her elbow. I gave out a laugh and turned towards the headstone.

"Roy's right. He's tall and can come off as a bit mean-"

"Don't lie [ YN ]! He's super mean!" Roy pointed a finger at me and raised an eyebrow.

"He gives off the same energy to people is what Roy's saying" Roy dramatically gasp and huffed her head away from me.

"He's sweet once you hang out with him more, he listens to me when I'm talking about books and he also asks questions, he made me a necklace" I touched the necklace. Now thinking about it, I never once took it off unless it was to shower.

"We hung out a few times and they were all great" I wanted to say more but decided against it.

"Yamaguchi is a great friend though! He's great and knows how to push others and himself too" Roy finally acknowledged me once I mention Yamaguchi and nodded her head in agreement. It was a moment of silence before I said something.

"The book, the one you wrote, it was really good" I clenched the book in my hands.

It was about two young sisters who had a sick father and they both found a book that had a map and it had a big red X. They decided to follow the map and came across many things. They discovers creatures and plants and helped many people. Once they made it to the X, they found a big tree with white flowers covering it. The petals of the flowers started to fall and the tree told them that with enough petals, they could heal anyone and anything. They gather so much of it and gave it to their father who overcame his sickness and the family lived strong and healthy.

"I wished we found a big tree" Roy hugged the book against her. Once again the silence overtook us.

A small singular petal falls onto the headstone. It was pink but was very pale to the point it looked kinda white. Roy and Me looked up to see the blossom trees shaking due to the wind and the stray petals began to fly with the wind.

"Thank you" We both gave our respect to the headstone and walked away.

I opened up the book in hand and went to the dedication page. 

For my little students who made me love reading even more

 For my little students who made me love reading even more[ YN ] [ LN ] & ROYAL TAKAHASHI

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