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hi everyone!
kissy here and i want to talk about this fic and my journey of writing this!


When I started this story, I had no clue what to write about, all I knew was that I wanted [ YN ] to be a reader & wanted the story to involve books. My first draft was called "Book Store" where [ YN ] works at a book store and Tsukishima was a regular customer because he wanted to see [ YN ] more.

tbh this version sounds sm better...

Also, Hermia's name means Messenger! Get it? Cause she delivered Tsukishima's note. Thought it was cute!


Nothing is original. Everything in this fic is inspired by something. I will go on any app and see something and think 'oh this might be good for my story' and add my twist to it. Sometimes even real conversations or events.

Remember when Roy mentioned [ YN ] writing a 4-5 page narrative and ended up writing 7-8 pages and didn't turn it in because she felt bad for the teacher who had to read it? ( chapter 'spending time )

that was me LMAOOO🤭

Inspiration is everywhere. You just gotta add ur own twist to it ;)


Some of you noticed that majority of the books mention are actually books.

Just like [ YN ] & Royal, I love and enjoy books! I recommend all of the books mention! Some of the stories mention are purely out of my imagination.


I choose Tsukishima to be the love interest because... He's my favourite character. No, I don't imagine him as a soft boy😡 I portray him that in this fic cause I was going for the whole "he's an asshole to everyone but you" because I thought he would fit 😤

but that didn't work considering how OOC he is.


Royal Takahashi is an OC of mine. Meaning I made her for this story. She's described as someone who had a round face, chubby cheeks which are scattered with tiny acne scars, and a pink flower pin on each side of her short brown hair with the ends slightly curled.

She was made for someone who is the polar opposite of you but has the same energy/hobbies as you.

I named her Royal because I thought it was a cool name and could go with any gender. You will most definitely see Royal Takahashi in future stories.


gosh, I have so many ideas. I have crossovers, AUs, and regular stories ideas! I'm so excited to write them out! But that might take a while since some of them are complex and I'm too inexperienced for that. But I will try my best!!!.


I mention that I will be writing another story with heroes and quirks. Well as obvious as it was, I will be writing an MHA READER!! woohoo. I have not decided if I want it to be an x reader or a + reader. I will figure it out soon and you might see it out around fall time. But who knows since I'm so bad at the schedule.

THANK YOU!!thank you all who commented! thank you all who voted! And thank you to all the ghost readers! ( there's no shame, I am also a ghost reader )

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thank you all who commented! thank you all who voted! And thank you to all the ghost readers! ( there's no shame, I am also a ghost reader ). And thank you all who put this story on your list and thank you to everyone who follows me!
Thank you to everyone who reached the end of the story!!

I will be busy myself fixing this story but in the meantime.

edit: I HAVE NOW FINISHED EDITING! if u see mistakes, please don't be shy and point them out!

see you guys later!

Book Hunt has now been finished.

psss.. lets become BFF's 🤭🤭💋🫵



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