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Walking up to St. Rocks Forest, we all stood there not knowing where to go next. We expected signs to be pinned up to show where the Jewelry making would be but nothing.

"Oh man, where do we go now?" Yamaguchi started walking forwards and looking around. There was an arch as an entryway and beyond that is just woods.

"Look what I found!" Right attached to one of the stands of the archway was a bunch of pamphlets which contains a map of the forest. Roy pick one out and walked towards us waving the map.

"Nice eye, Takahashi!" Yamaguchi run up to her and Roy handed him the map as Tsukishima and I walked toward them. But it wasn't for long once Roy walked towards me and slightly dragged me beside her as Tsukishima went up to Yamaguchi.

"Did you hear that? Yamaguchi said I have nice eyes" Roy then stared at Yamaguchi with swoon eyes as I roll my eyes toward her.

"He said nice eye as in you have good eyesight" Roy turned towards me with a huff and her arms crossed.

"Can't I have something good here?" I tilted my head as I was confused.

"But something good did happen" Roy raised an eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I just told you Yamaguchi implied that you have good eyesight, were you even listening?" I raise both of my hands slightly in an, even more, confused mannered when Roy groaned out loud and pressed both of her hands on her face.

" [ YN ], I love you but sometimes I wish that you would stop being a smart ass sometimes" Looking at her like she was crazy since I thought I was helping her, Yamaguchi called out to the both of us.

"Takahashi! [ LN ]! There's a point where the Jewelry making is held! Let's go!" We all gather around and started heading where the point was.

"According to this map, the Jewelry making should be near a river" Yamaguchi caught up with both me and Roy as we got deeper into the forest.

"This forest has a river? I never knew that" Roy stray slightly away from our group and started walking on the dirt, smashing little mushrooms or plants along the way.

"Me either, maybe after the book hunt we should all go back here and hang out!" Yamaguchi looked at all of us. I nodded my head as Roy bobbed her head up and down like a bobblehead.

"We should also have a picnic!"

"And we could also camp here!"

Both Yamaguchi and Roy started bursting out with hangout ideas. As they were subtly going in front, Tsukishima decide to come beside me making us behind the two excited friends.

"Wow I've never seen him this pumped before" Feeling his arm brushing against my arm ever so slightly, I look at him and back at our best friends.

"Really? This is Roy's persona" I smiled at how calm the two were now and were talking to each other like how I and Tsukishima are.

"So why did you join the book hunt? Is it for the money?" I quickly look at him for his assumption.

I was curious how he got that idea.


"Who said I was in it for the money?" She tilted her head to the side with a curious grin.

I know she wasn't in it for the money, I'm just making small talk. Small talk that would hopefully turn into a conversation.

"No one, but I'm assuming that's what everyone is here for, the money" I shrugged my shoulders a little as I turn to face the front. I caught the two in front in some type of disagreement as their hands were flying around then and not one of them let the other talk.

"Well, are you in it for the money?" She moved up in front of me to get a good look at my face. I turn my head slightly to also get a good look at her face. Her eyes never wander away from mine as she waited for an answer.

"No, in fact, the two simpletons I mentioned?" She nodded her head for me to continue.

"Those two got in trouble with our captain and he decided to let us first years do some type of group activity to strengthen our teamwork, I was not letting those two pick out an activity so I decided on the book hunt and here we are" She looked at me for a second before taking her eyes off of me and started smiling a bit with her hands behind her back with a little jump in her steps.

"Well, I hope I get the meet those simpletons again" This time I look at her with a humorous gaze.

"So you can beat them up?" She shook her head before retracting it to a shrug.

"Well yes but if it weren't for them, we wouldn't be talking to each other right now" She turned to me with a big smile on her face, like she proudly won a prize on the hardest game she ever tried. Like I was the prize.

"Huh, I guess you're right" I didn't take my eyes off her for a second. Not even when she turned away from me. I just kept looking at her before turning away from her.

Just as I thought, she's interesting.

Just as I thought, she's interesting

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an: enjoy this filler!

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