book hunt

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" [ YN ]! Look look! A book hunt!" I turned at the sound of my name being called and at the same time, Royal grabbed onto my hand and dragged me to a poster that was posted on the school's bullet board.

"Book hunt, do an activity and win a book, read a book and get a clue for the next activity, win overall you get the book "Petals" and the prize money of $1,000?!" I widen my eyes towards the end at the prize money. Surely no one would gift a $1,000.

"Huh, I never heard that book before" Roy leaned in closer to the poster which had the cover of the new book.

"Oh my fucking god, [ YN ] read who's the author" Roy pulled me into where she was and squished my cheek onto hers.

"Ow, Roy be careful!" I looked out of the corner of my eye and scolded her like a mother.

"Shut up and read!" I rolled my eyes and look towards the poster in hopes to see what got Roy so shocked.

"Oh my fricking god" I reread the author a bunch more times before turning to Roy who also turned to me.

"We have to enter" Usually we would laugh when we say the same thing at the same time but this time, we were both serious to even think about it.

"I'm taking pictures of this poster" Roy took out her phone and with a click being heard, I leaned over to read more about this.

"It starts in a month, but we have to sign up in a couple of weeks" I straighten up and looked towards Roy who nodded her head.

"Okay, let's look up online to see more information about this book hunt and see if we can find hints about what books are going to be presented in this activity" We both walked out of the hallway, not noticing two more figures appearing from the other side of the hall.


"Tadashi, wait for me here" I look over to see Tsukki run up to the school's bullet board and read off one of the posters that were posted.

"Huh?" I was genuinely confused about why he wanted to see what was on there. He was never interested in what was posted there. Especially since we have volleyball.

I walked over to him and looked at what he was looking at.

"Now why would they join this?" Tsukki scoffed and walked away while I stood there even more confused.

"Come on Tadashi"

"Ah sorry, Tsukki!" I looked over at the poster once and started jogging toward Tsukki who just started walking without me.

Why in the world is he interested in a Book Hunt?

an: lol, the title of the book was made up on spot

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an: lol, the title of the book was made up on spot.

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