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"Nothing, no hints on the website" With a sad sigh, Roy closed her laptop and falls behind her beanbag.

"Well it was worth a shot" I took a sip out of my drink.

I and Roy were lounging at our favourite place,

The Peace. It has food where the staff make the simplest but godly good food and drinks, there pets here ( dogs, cats, birds, rodents, and even snakes ) don't like pets or are allergic to them? They have a whole other area where there are no pets. Each wall is covered with bookshelves with books! and in the bookshelves, there's a room where you can study or just want to be alone and little pet beds where the pets can just stay and sleep if wanted.

Forget peace, it's heaven!

"This place is heaven, I just want to live in here forever" Just like she was reading my mind, Roy tucked her legs under her and got cozy on her beanbag.

"I feel you, I can't believe we found this place" It was so hard to miss. The outside was painted in a teal colour that was covered with flowers and vines. It was the only colour building in the shopping area.

"Well, I'm glad only a few of us found this place, if it was popular it will be packed with people!" Roy expanded her hands away from each other to add effects to her statement. I just nodded and took a sip of my drink.

"Since we didn't find anything on the website, we should wait until the few weeks are over to sign up for the Book Hunt" Roy nodded in agreement and we both enjoyed our stay at the peace.


"You told me to hurry up when I was getting ready when we have plenty of time and now you're walking like a sloth, hurry up [ YN ]!" An angry Roy turned around to face me with her hands on her hips and tapping her foot like an angry mother.

I was only a few steps behind her.

Her tapping didn't stop until I was right beside her. She linked our arms together and started walking with me having to follow her pace.

"In my defence, you were taking too long" I rolled my eyes as she gave out a huff at my statement.

We were almost to the sign-up tent which was set up at a local park. It was far from where we lived, it was one of the few places me & Roy would hang out.

"Woah, there's a lot of people than I expected" Looking around the sign-up tent, there were a lot of people.

"Probably for the prize money" I shrugged my shoulders and started dragging Roy with me to line up for the sign-in. It was a long line.

"This is going to take forever" Roy dragged out her words while I nudge her to stop being so loud.


"This is the worst" I looked around me to see many people which doesn't help my mood at all.

"Tsukishima! Are we almost to the front?!" I looked down to see idiot #1 cupping his hands near his mouth to make sure I heard him.

"Huh? I couldn't hear you, all I heard was squeaking noises" I bent down and put my hand behind my ear with a slight smile seeing his angry face.

"Why you-!" Little red was about to jump right at me but then Tadashi grabbed ahold of him.

"Can you guys please get along? This is why Daichi made us come here" Tadashi was beginning to struggle when small brain was thrashing against him.

"Blame the dumb 1 & dumb 2 here" All of a sudden, each of us stopped what we were doing and started looking around.

"Where's Kageyama?"


"Then Daichi told all four of us to do an activity to straighten our "teamwork" and then, tall skinny blondie told Daichi about this book hunt and Daichi forced the four of us to join this book hunt and it's all thanks to Hinata" Holding a phone against his ear, Kageyama started using his other hand to do hand motions when telling what had occurred in volleyball practice.

"Wait sorry, but what did Hinata do?" On the other line was his older sister who had called to check up on him.

"I don't know, but it's his fault I just know it" Shrugging his shoulders, he just accepted the fact.

"I don't know, but it's his fault I just know it" Shrugging his shoulders, he just accepted the fact

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