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"And DONE! I finished first~" Roy started singing that she finished first before me as she circulated me.

"We weren't even racing in the first place, Roy" I rolled my eyes as I keep writing down my information for the sign-up.

"I know, but I never finish first when I'm with you!" She stopped right in front of me and squat down to my level as I was sitting on the grass crisscrossed with the clipboard in my lap.

"Technically that's not even a win since I wasn't doing my best" I look up at her with a neutral look and pointed my pen at her. She glared at me and pointed her finger right back at me.

"Technically it is since you always do your best without trying" I look at her for a moment then scoffed as I looked down and began writing again.

"You're the reason why my ego doesn't starve to death"

"And I plan on feeding your ego until it's nice and full!!"


"Hey, Tsukki?" I and Tadashi went up to the sign-in tent as we were both finished.

"Hm?" Giving the person my clipboard I turned to Tadashi who also gave the person his clipboard.

"Why did you suggest the book hunt to Daichi? In all honesty, this isn't something you usually go for" Walking back to the idiots, Tadashi was looking at me with a confused look.

In all honesty, I don't know why I choose this activity. Once Daichi said we have to choose an activity to do together, my mind went straight to her looking at the poster with a determined look on her face.

But telling Tadashi that is the last thing I want to do.

"Why not try something new, I don't know, it was the first thing that came up in my mind and I'm certain that you wouldn't want those two to pick something" I nodded my head at the two dummies who were arguing about something at the vending machine.

"Hm I guess you're right, what do you think they would've picked?"

"Probably running a marathon or eating the most pie, something that would make it a competition for them since right now they're at a tie"

𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐓 ✩ ᴋ.ᴛsᴜᴋɪsʜɪᴍᴀ Where stories live. Discover now