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We all stood by the station where the bus would come and pick us up. Takahashi and Tadashi were chatting with each other on the side while it was just me and [ LN ]. She was leaning against the wall by her side with her eyes close.

"Didn't get enough sleep?" She nodded her head gently and sighed.

"I was up finishing up my current read that I completely forgot to sleep, only having 3 hours of sleep" She softly groaned as she slightly banged her head against the wall she was leaning against.

"What was the book about?" She finally opened her eyes and looked at me with a skeptical look.

"It's really...long to explain" Pausing in the middle of her sentence to find the right word to describe the book, I gave her a droned expression.

"And we have a long time for the bus, just tell me" I lightly mocked her words while striding towards her. I stood right in front of her before nodding my head towards the seats, she looked at where I was nodding before smiling and giving me a nod in return. We both sat at the seats as she tucked her legs under her so that she sat crisscrossed and turned her whole body towards me. I turned my body towards her and put my arm on the chair I sat in and put my leg on my other.

"Okay, so it started with a senior girl who used her school's project as an excuse to solve a murder..."

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She put both her hands down as she finished telling me the book she had read and stared at me for my reaction.

"...Tragic" Was the only word I could say. It was tragic, should've called the book 'Tragic'.

"I know, right? The dog got me bawling my eyes out!" She wiped an imaginary tear off her face before looking at her phone.

"It's been twenty minutes, what is taking the bus so long?" Just as she said it, the bus started making clear our vision.

"Oh, guys! The bus is coming!" Tadashi started making his way toward us with Takahashi following him. Me and [ LN ] stood up from our seats and stand with the others as we waited for the bus.

"Takahashi, let's sit next to each other so you can finish telling me about that story!" Takahashi just nodded her head with a thumbs up before conserving with [ LN ].

"Takahashi was also telling you about a book?" Tadashi turned towards me with a smile and a nod.

"Mhm! I'm guessing [ LN ] was telling you about a story too?" I only nodded and turned my body forwards as the bus stopped before us.

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