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We all walked up beside a river. It was sunny and the air was cool & breezy.

"Oh! There's the jewelry making!" I look over to see that Roy was pointing over to the side where there were tables set up with containers on top filled to the brim with nick knacks for jewelry and tools to help us make the jewelry. There's no doubt about it, they want us to make the best jewelry we could make with no limits.

We all walked over and showed one of the assistances for the book hunt the paper that we'd gotten at the start. They sat us down at one of the tables and told us to wait for a while for the rest of the groups to come and for the speaker to let us start making jewelry.

"There are still many groups here, I'm sure we have to wait for 3 or four groups to come so we won't wait long" Yamaguchi was seated next to Roy who was across from me.

"Awww, I'm too impatient for waiting!" Roy put her head down on the table with a loud bang.

"Come on Takahashi! We might have to wait 30 minutes at the very most!"Yamaguchi tried to cheer up Roy but she let out another groan.

"Is she impatient?" Tsukishima's arm was propped up on the table and had his head in his hand, looking at the two across from us with a boring look.

"Unfortunately yes, let's just hope the rest of the group comes faster so we won't have to hear her whining"

"[ YN ]!! Quit bad-mouthing me!"

● ● ●

Not before long, the rest of the groups came and were seated. Now we wait for the speaker to get us started.

"Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait! But since we are all here, let's go over some things first! When judging the made jewelry, we are only looking for creativeness, thoughtfulness, and effort! Please don't stress about this and have fun! Now, get started!"

Everyone started to move toward the middle of their table for the containers. I just sit there, thinking carefully about what I'm going to make.

"Oh! Yamaguchi, what are you going to make?" I look over to see Roy looking to the side where Yamaguchi was. He grabbed one of the containers and was looking through them with furrowed eyebrows.

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