Announcements / Final AN

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So... it's over. Which is so so strange to say. Honestly, I'd probably say more about it but it's almost 1am as I'm writing this and there's a lot to get through here.

First: I want to say a huge huge thank you to every single one of you. It blows my mind every single day that you have stuck with me through all of this and I love you all so much for it. The number of people who have reached out to me to say that this book has in some way touched them means so so much to me. This started as a pet project that I wrote for myself and writing it was incredibly cathartic and that it has turned into a catharsis for others is more than I could ever have dreamed of. You are all wonderful, wonderful people and I just... thank you so so much.

Second, some practical and more fun things as I look towards future works:

I have two new HP fics in the works! I know, I'm an idiot and I don't know when or how to stop and I'm probably giving myself too much to do but... fuck it.

The first one is one I've mentioned before in ANs called Luna(tic). It's another Marauders fic called, this one more focused on Remus and with a different OC. This one focuses more on the strain of standing out from a crowd no matter how hard you try and probably ventures a little into magical realism. The link is in the comments and I hope y'all will check that out!

The second one is one that literally came into existence in the course of the past week bc someone DMed me and suggested a write a Riddle fic and slightly hyperfocused on it. This one, called Extra Ordinary is definitely going to be different from TtW but knowing me, I can't avoid mental health stuff and this one deals with trauma, repression and abusive relationships. So as you can guess, it's going to be a bit darker, but I'm also so excited and have had so much fun planning and writing it so I hope y'all will like it as much as I do :) The link can be found in the comments.

Also, as some of you know as well, at some point in the future, I also want to get a blog going to publish an OC, but that's very much still a work in progress. When it happens, I'll add another announcement chapter here.

I'm also going to start editing TtW and posting fully edited chapters to Ao3, so keep an eye out for that, especially if you're interested in downloading this fic once it's fully edited and finished.

In part because I'm not going to be updating 3 separate things on 3 different platforms, I'm giving up on trying to post announcements about schedule changes and such to all three all the time. So I've made a twitter (link in comments) where I'll be posting news about fics and schedule changes and all that. And knowing me, probably also some random life thoughts, but feel free to ignore those lol.

That is... a lot, I know, so I'm just going to close this out by saying another huge huge thank you to all of you who read this fic. I truly hope you'll check out some of my new works, but even if you don't, I really appreciate all the love and support you've all sent my way. Y'all are amazing.

And now, for the last time on this fic, I hope y'all enjoyed <3

Thicker than Water (Marauders Era) PART IIWhere stories live. Discover now