25 June, 1995 - Plans

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Lavinia came inside with the sunrise, her limbs and heart and very bones all feeling rather heavy and tired. She hadn't slept a wink the previous night and, judging from the tired greetings she received from both Remus and Sirius as they drank coffee on the couch, neither had anyone else.

No one said much that morning beyond simple greetings and offers to take empty mugs into the kitchen. There simply wasn't much to say. They had all been there last time. They all knew what this meant. And they all knew there was nothing at all they could do about it until Dumbledore came to tell them what on Earth the plan was. Or if there even was a plan.

This confirmation of a plan finally occurred in the early afternoon, when a knock sounded on the front door of the house. Lavinia stood and answered it, trying not to seem to desperate as she made her way to the entrance without hesitation. Truthfully, she was a little desperate, especially because she didn't need to check who it was before she swung the entrance wide and stepped back. And she had been waiting for him. They all had.

Indeed, Dumbledore seemed to be aware of this as he entered the house with a slight nod of his head to each of them, like he'd expected them to be here, sitting in wait. Like he knew this was entirely expected. And highly anticipated.

Lavinia, for her part, gestured the old man silently to the armchair before perching herself on the armrest next to Remus and waiting for Dumbledore to speak, trying not to let her hands shake as her heart made its way steadily into her throat.

"I can't stay long," the old man informed them as he settled himself in the chair. "The leaving feast begins in an hour."

Sirius nodded vaguely, but Lavinia and Remus merely waited. Lavinia knew she herself was silent and still because she and Dumbledore had long ago given up trivial pleasantries, but Remus... well she could guess why Remus, who was always polite and attentive, couldn't be bothered to acknowledge Dumbledore's small attempt at normalcy. They both knew what would be asked of Remus and Lavinia supposed that her friend was merely waiting for confirmation of this thing he must be dreading. She certainly knew she was dreading it and she wasn't even the one doing anything.

"I have come here for a few reasons," Dumbledore said after a slight pause, apparently unperturbed by the lack of reply to his previous statements. "First," he began with a sigh, his eyes coming to rest on Remus, "You know what I must ask of you."

Remus nodded tightly, his jaw set. Lavinia dropped her eyes from Dumbledore's face, not wanting to see the guilt there because it wouldn't change anything. Because it didn't matter how guilty Dumbledore felt. He would still ask this. As he must. And she didn't blame the old man, but... but it didn't make it any easier to know that no one was happy about it and yet it still had to be done.

Sighing, she put a hand gently on Remus's shoulder, hoping she could offer him some small consolation. Hoping she could tell him that it was okay. That she would be fine even if it hurt. And that no matter how long he was away, when he came back, this house and this life would be waiting for him. She would be waiting for him.

"For now," the Hogwarts Headmaster continued as Lavinia continued studying her knees, "You should be able to stay here much of the time. Ease in. But the time may come when they will only trust you if you live among them more frequently. And if that time comes..."

"I know," Remus interrupted, the words steady if a bit strained. "I'll do it."

Lavinia closed her eyes, her fingers tightening slightly on her friend's shoulder. She didn't want him to go. She had never wanted him to go. And last time it had been only for days at a time, weeks at worst. But what Dumbledore was suggesting... she knew why, of course. She knew it made sense, especially because the information he could get would be more important than ever, what with the Ministry's lack of help. But that didn't make the prospect any more pleasant to bear. For any of them.

Thicker than Water (Marauders Era) PART IIWhere stories live. Discover now