94. Difficult Memories

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The next week passes by fairly quickly. Scott misses 2 days of the week because him and the members of the Wolfpack take turns spending the day with Mawmaw. Mawmaw stays in everyone's mind and hearts as they all hope for her to recover quickly. The training you completed at the LaVey's this week was nothing new, it was just more practice on previous things that you've learned, allowing you to become more comfortable and more naturally use your powers. That Sunday, you go to the bowling alley again with a group of your friends. When you get home that night, your mother still acts salty about you being out so "often", but she still says nothing. You go to your room and get ready to go to bed. After you're all set, you lay down in bed and close your eyes, going to sleep excited to go back to school tomorrow.

"It's okay honey, it's okay. Just breathe, breathe." You watch your mother and father. They're both in the bathroom of their home, and your mother seems to be going into labor. your mother breathes rapidly in and out, screaming and pushing with all of her might to get the baby out of her. No matter how hard you desperately try to wake yourself, up you cannot help but stand and just watch the scene unfold. You watch your mom push out a baby. After she thinks it's all done, it turns out there's more. Your mother says, "H-Honey, I think I have another one coming.." "Oh shit, no way! Uh.. Just keep breathing, you're doing great. We're almost there." You watch more as a second baby is born, this time with a different appearance. This one had red skin and horns on top of his head. Your dad asks, "Is that all? Are you done? Is it over?" Your mother cries and smiles. She nods her head up and down, holding your brother close to her. You still can't make out the details of your father's face, but you can still tell that he smiles as he picks you up and holds you close to him as well. He asks, "So what were you thinking about for names?" "Well.. I'm not sure. I was thinking (Y/N) for a name I have no idea what to name this one though." She gestures to your brother that she's holding in her arms. Your dad says, "Well I definitely like (Y/N). But for that one.. Why don't we go with, oh I don't know, Acasius?" Your mother smiles, "You were just dead set on that name weren't you? Ever since I got pregnant, you've wanted it." "What? It's a cool name!" He laughs. Your mom sighs happily. "Well, I suppose you did help me, and I suppose it's not a terrible name either. Let's go with it. I love you honey." "I love you too. I'm so glad that we're still together, despite everything.. And I promise, I will take care of these two, and I will protect them with my life." "I know you will. Thanks darling." "You're welcome." Your mom and dad kiss each other quick before getting up so that your mom can relax and your dad can clean up the bathroom.

You suddenly feel your hand getting grabbed. You look down at whoever is grabbing you, and you see... The cloaked figure. He leads you out of the room and into what looks like a living room. He grabs the calendar that is hanging off of the wall. He closes it and takes a marker out of his pocket, and crosses out the year that's on the calendar, writing the year 5 years later above it. He then goes to a specific date in the year and circles it. He closes the calendar again and drops it on the floor. The room around you changes into the house you remember your early years in. The cloaked figure says, "Cool, right?I just discovered I could do that the other day." He tries his best to sound excited, but you can tell that he's just faking it. He leads you to the room your mom is in. She's frantically dialing a number on her phone. She puts her phone up to her ear, "Hello, officer? Yes I need to report a murder.... It was my husband, he... He killed my son...." You watch and listen as your mother reports the crime  something that you've seen before. The entire time the pit in your stomach continues to grow. You ask, "W-Why are you showing me this again?" He sighs, "Don't you think it's weird how in love they were? Da- Um... Darius.. Said he would protect us with his life.. So, why... Why did he k-kill m-me... Wh-Wh-Why did he lie, (Y/N)," he sniffles and continues, "in case you haven't figured it out yet, I only really know what you know, so could you please, for the both of us, figure out what happened.. Why he... Did what he did.." He lifts his arms up, grabbing the hood that surrounds his head. He pulls it back and looks up at you. "Please," he says, tears streaming down his face.

Your body jerks awake and you sit up immediately. You feel a churning in your stomach and quickly make your way to your bathroom. You open the toilet, and puke inside. You slump back to the floor, quietly crying to yourself, huddling up by the wall. He looks the same. The exact same as he did when you last remembered him. It seems he hasn't aged at all. Just seeing his face again after all these years makes you feel sick, after your mom refused to keep any pictures of him or your dad in the house, he became a forgotten memory until just then. In that moment you decide that you have to fulfill his wish. You have to find out what could have possibly happened between your dad and your mom. You stay by the toilet for the rest of the morning, and later, get ready for school. You go through the entire day, just waiting for Thursday to arrive, when you can go to the LaVey's.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now