44. Catching Up

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You weren't able to sleep at all during the night, you were too nervous. Scott stayed in the phone with you to keep you calm until he eventually fell asleep. You didn't want to bother anyone else, so you just lied in bed thinking. You run different scenarios in your head of what could happen today. If your aunt truly does know about your relationship, she would surely tell your mom. But maybe she doesn't. But if she doesn't, than why would she burn you so bad? The minutes turn into hours until your alarm to wake you up goes off. You let it go off, unwilling to move to stop the noise. There's a knock at your door, and you close your eyes as if you were still asleep. Your alarm gets turned off and you hear rustling. You slightly open your eyes to see your mom taking your suitcase out of the room. You lift your head up to see that your phone is still on the nightstand, right where you left it. You sit up and rub your eyes, letting out a large yawn. You grab your phone and leave the room, making your way to the bathroom. You sit on the toilet, looking at your phone. You can't decide if you want to text someone or not. You scroll through your contacts, and are uninspired. You've already talked to Scott so much, you don't want to overload his tiny brain, and you're too self-conscious to talk to anyone else. You leave the bathroom, making your way downstairs into the living room, where your mother and aunt are arguing. Your mother has her hands on the gaming system that was supposed to be yours, and she seems to be trying to get it back. Your aunt tells says to her, "That belongs to my children!" "No, it doesn't! I got it for (Y/N)! It's the one thing they wanted for Christmas, and you just let your children take it!" "Well, (Y/N) should have-" "Oh boo hoo! My child didn't spend a million dollars on your children, so they have to be punished!" "Well, if your kid wasn't so greedy-" "Your kids didn't even get anything for (Y/N), and you want to talk greedy? They didn't even make anything. And then you just want everything handed to them on a silver platter. You worked (Y/N) to death this past week, and you didn't make your kids do squat! And that's why she left, isn't it? She got sick of dealing with what you put her through and so she moved out, and you haven't spoken since." Your aunt suddenly sees you, and a smile spreads across her face. She says, "Why good morning (Y/N)! How are you this morning?" Your mom suddenly let's go of the console and looks at you too. Your aunt turns back to your mom and says, "So, are you going pick up where you left off, or...?" She shoots a threatening smile at her and your mom looks nervous about something. She says, "I already brought your things to the car honey. Get in, I'll be out in a minute." You sit in the car, and a few minutes later, your mom comes out. As she starts the car, your aunt steps outside and calls out, "See you next year~" Your mom says back, "See you next year." She starts the car, and leaves. She eventually turns onto the highway, and the sweet motion of the car lulls you to sleep.

You're sitting down at a table, taking in your surroundings. There are very tall shelves around you, all of them filled to the brim with books. You look back at the table, and see that you're looking at a book about cats. Suddenly, a loud thud is made, causing you to jump. You look up to see your mom and aunt with a pile of books. Your aunt has a very disgusted look on her face as she cautiously pulls out a chair and sprays it with a sanitizer. Your mom just sits down across from her, and opens one of the books. You can't tell what it's called, so you ask, "What's that book, Mommy?" "Oh, it's a book about religion sweetie." "What kind of religion?" Your aunt tries to answer, "It's called-" but she is cut off by your mother, who tells you, "It's nothing important." She brings the book up to the side of her face, trying to prevent you from hearing her say, "They don't need to know. It doesn't matter to them." You look back at your book, and in an instant, 3 hours have gone by. Your aunt asks, "Why am I helping you with this again?" Your mom sighs and says, "Because I was wrong, and you were right. Monsters are foul, hideous creatures, who can never be trusted. They make promises they can't keep, and thus, are a burden to society. You are the best sister anyone has ever had, and I am blessed to have someone like you in my life." Your aunt smiles and says, "Ah yes, that's right." She slaps the book down, flips it so your mom can see, and leans back in triumph. As your mom reads whatever it is, her face slowly lights up in excitement. "This is perfect."

The car stops, and the sudden lack of motion wakes you up. As your eyes adjust, you see a house that you've never seen before. You confusedly look at your mom. She just stares at the steering wheel and says, "Go up and knock on the door." "Mom, who's house is this?" "Just do it before I change my mind." You look back at the small house. There's a sidewalk that leads up to some concrete steps to a porch. The house is blue with two stories, and a driveway on the side. You cautiously get out of the car and nervously walk up the sidewalk. Once you're about halfway there, the door opens, and your eldest cousin exits the house, with a shy smile. You stifle a gasp and your eyes tear up. You walk up and greet her with a hug. You ask her, "How are you?" "I'm good. How bout you?" You chuckle and say, "Could be worse." She invites you inside, but before you accept, you jog back to the car, and open the door. "Hey mom.. Can I stay here awhile?" She silently nods her head and you shut the door. As you enter the house, she drives away.

Your cousin begins making some tea as you address the first thing that comes to mind. "I haven't seen for what? 3 years now?" She lets out a laugh saying, "Yeah. Something like that. We got a lot of catching up to do. How's school going? Are you still having problems?" Your smile dies down a bit. "Have you.. Heard about what happened?" She looks at you worriedly. You continue, "Something happened at my old school, and I had to transfer." "Oh transfer? Where to?" Your smile creeps up on your face again. "Spooky High." She gasps, "You bitch! No way!" You happily nod your head as she punches you in the shoulder. "How is it? Is it cool?" "Oh the coolest! Almost everyone there is so friendly and supportive. I even went to my first party." "Ooh, how was it?" "I got so drunk and high!" You both start laughing wildly, and she starts pouting the tea. She asks, "How did you get your mom to let you go?" "She was on a business trip for two weeks. I actually went to a football game too!" "Whaat? I thought you hated football!" "It's easier to go when you have friends going." "Oh yeah? Friends like who?" Your smile grows wider. "Well, there's Polly, a sexy ghost girl who's all about partying and drugs and sex. And there's Vera, a gorgon woman who owns at least like 5 different companies, and she's even on King Minos's list of Wealthiest Human Hybrids Under 300 Years Old." You continue to go on and on about your friends, naming every possible detail about them that you can think of. Eventually you make your way to a very important person, which makes you blush. "And then there's this one guy, Scott, and he is an absolute sweetheart." Your cousin cocks an eyebrow, asking, "Oh yeah? Tell me more about this Scott boy." Your smile widens, your blush increases, and your heart beats faster. "Well, he is polite, and athletic, and strong, and very handsome, I met him in the gym locker room, and let me tell you, he is no boy." You give her a sexy wink as she fans herself with her hand. "Ooh, muy caliente. It seems (Y/N) is whipped, have you told him yet? I hear monsters are typically bi, so it doesn't matter what's in your pants." Your smile turns into a smirk, and you gently place your hand on hers, saying, "Honey, he told me." She gasps and covers her mouth hand. "He didn't!" "He did. He made me happy for a whole day one time, and seeing me so happy made him so happy, and then he just.. Started kissing me. It was wonderful." You both finish the tea and your cousin makes more. You both continue to talk about eachother's lives and how everything's been going until your mom texts you, saying you'll need to leave soon. The happy look on your face turned into a light frown. You tell your cousin you'll need to leave soon. You take for a few more minutes until it's time for you to go. As you exit out the door and say goodbye, she tells you, "If you ever need a place to live, my place is always available." You tell her you'll keep that in mind as you get to your mom's car, and you're driven home.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now