157. Romantic Evening (Part 2)

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You two walk down the railroad tracks together, staying close to each other. A cool breeze blows, causing the scent of flowers around in the fields to waft towards you. Scott sighs happily, "Mmm, you smell that? It smells like summer! I'm so excited! Aren't you?" You chuckle, "I'm not really a huge fan of summer. I prefer winter and fall." Scott gasps, "Whaaat? You don't like summer?! Why not?" You reply, "Well... It's hot and busy, I'm unable to cover my body, and school is out. Growing up, I've always preferred being at school rather than at home because... Well, you know..." Scott's face drops a little. He says, "Oh, right. I'm sorry." You feel bad seeing his sad face, so you say, "But hey! I no longer have to worry about her, so maybe I'll like it more! Why don't you tell me why you like summer so much?" He smiles again and starts explaining, "Well, summer is the best time of year to do sports! You can work up a good sweat when it's all hot and sunny! You can cook outside, and you can have picnics, and you can play fetch, and go bike riding, and swimming, and you can drive with the roof off on a car, and you can go stargazing, and camping, and-" You stop him before he can continue, "Okay! Okay, I get it." You laugh and continue, "I guess there's a lot you can do in summer. I can't wait to do all that with you." He smiles, "Me either!"

At one point, about an hour in, Scott gasps lightly and points. You look over in the direction he's pointing and see nothing but the nearby woods. You're about to ask what he's pointing at when he suddenly grabs you and pulls you along. It turns out a path was covered by some of the brush. Scott holds your hand as you both walk through and end up at some old shack. He says, "One day, me and the Wolfpack found this place and it was super cool. We explored inside, looking for treasure, but we didn't find anything." He goes to the building and puts his hand on the doorknob. Instead of turning it, as you expected, he instead lifts the door and puts it to the side. You go inside, and Scott uses his phone's flashlight to look around. There's not too much inside. Just some old, bare shelves, covered in dust and dirt. There's a workbench in the same condition. You trip over something in the darkness, and when Scott checks on you, you see what it is. You scream.

"Wh-What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Scott asks, frantically. You reply, "N-No! I'm screaming because of that!" You point at it, the crumbling skeleton you tripped over. Scott just laughs. He asks, "What's wrong? That's just Jack! Our skeleton friend! He was a great listener! We were able to talk to him about anything!" You nod and say, "Uh-huh," still staring at the skeleton. You look him up and down, and decide to greet him to make Scott happy. "H-Hi, Jack. I'm (Y/N). It's nice to meet you." He doesn't respond. Obviously. He's dead. Scott seems more than happy though. "See? Isn't he the best?! I'm so glad you two got the chance to meet!" You nod again, still looking at the lifeless corpse. "Why are some of his bones missing?" Scott chuckles awkwardly, "Well... Let's just say he liked to play with us too... We kind of buried his bones all over the place... We could find them if you want!" "N-No... I'd rather just keep walking..." He dejectedly says, "Oh... Okay..." He turns his phone's light off and picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulders. He carries you out and back to the tracks but doesn't put you down.

You chuckle lightly and tell him, "Hey, you can put me down now." He holds you tighter and mutters, "I don't wanna..." You giggle, "Why not?" He grumbles, "Because it's not fair." "Huh? What's not fair?" "I don't just want to spend today with you. I want to spend every day with you. Why can't we just do that? Why do you have to do all this fancy stuff just to get your mom to stay away from you? It's not fair. I shouldn't have to lose time with you just because she's a bad person." You sigh and scratch the back of his head, behind his ear. His favorite spot. You tell him, "Hey... Stop that." You can feel his muscles relax as you scratch him. He sighs too, "But it's not fair." "I know it's not, but... It can't be helped. Sometimes, bad people get the win. But that's okay. Because no matter how hard she's tried, or hard she'll try in the future, we'll always have each other, right?" His tail wags quickly, "Yeah, that's true." You smile and push away from him, just enough to look at his face. You cup his face in your hand, "Good boy. Now... Where's that smile?" Scott blushes and looks away, a smile threatening to spread across his face. You laugh and get close to his ear, saying, "C'mon, show me that good boy smile~" You pull back again and he looks at you, giving you a big, toothy smile. You reply, "Good boy~" You lean forward and kiss him firmly. He kisses back lovingly. He stops walking, just so he can fully focus on kissing you. You feel the world around you disappear, and it feels like fireworks going off. When you pull away, Scott has a wide-eyed expression. You look at him with confusion, "What's that look for?" His face turns even redder and he says, "It's uh... Been a while since we've kissed like that... I forgot how good you are at it... It felt like kissing you for the first time." You groan and bury your face in his neck, hugging him even tighter. You say, "You're too damn cute..."

Scott pats you on the back and continues walking on the tracks until you eventually get back to his car. He opens the door for you and puts you inside it himself. He even buckles your seatbelt for you, ending it with another kiss on the cheek. Scott shuts your door and gets in the other side, and he starts up the car. "So... Would you like to watch a movie somewhere? I bet we could find something fun to watch!" He rests his hand on the center console. You smile and grab it, "Yeah, that sounds fun."

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