147. Drugging Disaster

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You and Scott run down the hall from the teacher's lounge, and towards the end, Scott lifts you into his arms and spins you around. When he stops, he smiles and looks at you. "I've been looking for you all night, where did you go?" You chuckle, "Well, I wanted to try to help Faith, since our prank kinda got her soaked. Then I went with Vera to the library, where things were fancier, I guess. Then I ended up hanging out with Damien for a bit, which ended up in him being chased by the police, but I was able to get away. Then Zoe took me out back and there was a lot of kpop and alcohol involved. But yeah, I've been looking for you too!" You hug him tightly. He smiles, "Well, it sounds like you've been having a wild first prom, huh?" You smile back, "Yeah, for sure." He plants a soft kiss on your nose and he continues carrying you away.

As he carries you, you feel a buzz in Scott's pocket. You tell him, "I think your phone just went off." He reaches into his pocket and pulls his phone out, reading the message. "It's Polly. She says that it's time." "Time? Time for what?" "She's going to spike the punch!" He then starts running to the gym with you in his arms.

Once you both get there, Scott pushes his way through the crowd and goes over to the snack table. Vicky, Polly, Amira, and Brian are already there. You ask, "Where are your guys' dates?" Amira says, "Vera doesn't care, so she just stayed in the library." Brian says, "If I had to guess, I'd say Damien's beating up a cop right now." You nod at both of them in understanding. Polly whines, "So this is it? No one else is going to be able to witness this amazing ritual? What about Oz and Zoe?" You step forward and say, "Zoe and Liam got drunk outside, so now they're resting in the teacher's lounge." With a pouty face, Polly reaches into her dress and pulls out the LSD she's been storing away in there. She unzips the baggie, pouring the powder into the massive bowl of punch before you. She grabs the serving ladle and begins mixing the concoction. After about 30 seconds, she lets it go, quickly stepping away. She announces, "The ritual is complete! Now watch as these prom-goers unknowingly consume the LSD, and effectively trip their balls off!" She excitedly steps forward and serves herself a cup of the punch, grabbing Vicky by the wrist and running away. Brian nods and walks off, and Amira stands and stares at the bowl, clearly trying to decide what she wants to do.

You look up at Scott nervously, who turns his head to look down at you. He gives a sincere smile, asking, "Do you want to try it?" You look from him to the bowl of punch, back up at him. "I don't think so. I've only gotten high from weed before, and I think it would be safer to try this somewhere less crowded. Who knows what could happen here." Scott smiles, "Good! As long as you're not just doing it because of pure pressure, then I'm happy!" You chuckle, "It's peer pressure." He scratches his head, "But we're not near any water." You sigh, "That's a different kind of pier." "Oh..." Scott looks down at the floor, blushing slightly from embarrassment. Then, a song starts playing, making him excited. "Ooh! I like this song! C'mon, let's go dance!" He grabs your arm and pulls you away to start dancing.

After dancing for a while, you start to notice some of the people who have drunk the punch. Some of them are sitting in the corner or by the wall, rocking back and forth. Some people are screaming at things that aren't there. You think it's funny at first, but some of the obscenities the people start screaming make you feel way less than comfortable. You start squeezing Scott's hand harder out of nervousness about all the yelling. Sensing your discomfort, he drags you away outside.

The cool night air envelopes you, making you take a deep breath. Scott leads you to a nearby bench for you both to sit down on. You take a few more deep breaths as Scott gently rubs your back. You ask, "Has Polly's antics been this disastrous before?" He says, "I don't know about that, but... Polly spiking the punch has never ended this badly before. Are you okay?" You scratch the back of your neck, "Yeah, I'm alright. I'm not the one who's all drugged out of their mind." "Yeah, but... Your feelings still matter too. Are you having a nice prom?" "Yeah, I am. Just wish it wasn't so chaotic." Scott smiles, "It's okay, soon all the people who are tripping will be escorted out, and then the rest of the night will continue until it ends." "Yeah, that's true. At least it can't get any worse." Just then, a pair of headlights come into view, turning into the parking lot. The brakes are slammed on, causing the tires to screech loudly against the road. Scott covers his ears due to the noise, and to your horror, you recognize the car.

The car parks and your mother steps out of it, eyeing you with an evil look. She's furious. She slams the door so hard that you're surprised that it didn't break. She starts storming in your direction, and you can't help but freeze. However, a large hand grabs your arm, dragging you away quickly. Scott leads you inside, and you do your best to run with him. He immediately leads you into the gym, losing your mom in the sea of people\. You feel your breathing increase as you grab onto Scott's arm. You tear up, suddenly feeling like you're about to die. Scott hugs you tightly, whispering in your ear, "I promise, (Y/N), I will protect you. I won't let her hurt you anymore." He kisses your head. You're still shaking and on the verge of tears, but you loosen your grip on his arm, putting your faith in him.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now