20. The Party

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You turn back to Amira, and say, "Hell yeah." "Great!" She hands you a red plastic cup, and grabs your free hand. She starts dragging across the main room, Scott following you two. You get to a different room, where you see Polly dressed in a revealing general's outfit.

11:57 PM
Amira puts you into a chair facing Polly. Polly shouts, "Attention!" You look at her, confused. "Listen here soldier! You are about to have the night of your life, are you ready?" You salute her and say, "Ma'am yes ma'am!" "Good! First order of business, have drunken the contents of your cup?" You quickly chug whatever is in the cup, and it burns going down. You like it though. "What's next ma'am?" When you look back up, you notice that Polly is already done with the charade. She is now in the corner of the room, apparently snorting coke. Someone else gets your attention, this time it's Vicky. "C'mon, (Y/N), let loose and have some fun!"

12:11 AM
Vicky takes you into a room with a lot of people and really bad music. Normally, you would be scared, but Vicky usually knows what she's doing, and that drink gave you some extra confidence as well. You dance to classics, such as Starships, I'm Sexy and I Know It, Deepthroat, and the Friends theme song. You also do a lot of moves no respectable person would do, such as dabbing, whipping, flossing, or the Macarena. Doing that awhile made you start getting tired. ... gave you a drink, and Vicky immediately smacked it to the floor. "He gives people drinks he spiked with ecstasy." She pours you a cup of punch, saying, "This just has regular booze." She gives a hearty 'whoo!' and continues to the dance floor. You start walking back, but are grabbed by Brian.

12:46 AM
Brian was leading you somewhere. You didn't know where, and he hadn't said anything yet. When you asked him, he just laughed, without looking at you. He led you into a room that was cloudy with smoke. There, in the middle of the room, was Liam, high as balls. "And, and then I told him, I uh.. I said.. Dude, you can't put that much uh, that much coffee in the pot, but he did, and haha.. It was so cool." Everyone else bursts out in laughter, leaving you confused. He notices you however, and holds a plate of brownies to your face. "(Y/N)! Yo! Have a, have a brownie, friend, and sit with us! We were just talking about my favorite past time!" His favorite past time?!? You grab a brownie, and it tastes amazing. It's so good, you grab another, and one more. Everyone continues laughing, which causes you to laugh. You say, "Who made these brownies, their soooooo good!" Joy from the coven raises her hand, wheezing from laughter. She thanks you for the compliment, and you smoke a few more joints as well. After another half hour, you are pulled away from the group by Miranda, which upsets you. You were discussing a multi million dollar idea for a penguin delivery service, and you were finally "getting somewhere". Miranda however, told you they were playing games, which excited you.

1:22 AM
When Miranda took you to the next room, you were amazed. There were multiple different games going on. There was a big TV screen, with a large group of people standing around it. There were people, including Vera, playing poker. And there seemed to be an arm wrestling contest going on in the corner. The game that Miranda led you to however, was much more exciting. There was a large banner above it that said "Pin the tail on the prick". And there, hanging from a rope tied around his waste, was Leonard. The most annoying and only kappa you have ever met. He already had some pins stuck to him. "(Y/NNNNNN)!" Zoe runs up and hugs you. "I'm so glad you could make it! Come play this game, I made it myself!" As Leonard is dangling there, he notices you. He begs for mercy. "(Y/N)! Please! Help me! I'll do anything!!" You reply with, "You'll start calling Zoe by her real name, and stop being so sexist?" Leonard laughs an ugly, snarky laugh. "Yeah, like I'm going to call Z'GORD something else just because IT 'prefers it that way'." You grab 3 pins and throw them with surprising accuracy. The first one lands where a tail would be, the second lands on the back of his head, and the third lands straight in his asshole. He immediately starts freaking out and yelling "rape!" As everyone laughs, takes photos, and records, he struggles to release himself. A few minutes later, you walk over to him and finally release him, feeling slightly bad for his humiliation. Leonard runs away, pulling pins out of multiple places. Everyone continues laughing, being too drunk and high to care that he's gone. You get approached by Oz, who starts directing you to come with them.

1:35 AM
Oz drags you across multiple rooms until you get to yet another room you have not seen before. Inside was a full bar, with an assortment of drinks. There are multiple people scattered around, drinking margaritas and wines. Oz sits down at the bar, and you sit next to them. The two of you order your drinks and they get served to you. You two talk for awhile when the cheering of multiple people gets your attention. In the corner of the room, multiple people are huddled around a single table. You and Oz decide to head over there. Once you push past multiple people, you see the what the commotion is about. Hope, from the coven, just won a drinking game against Dmitri. She yells, "Woohoo! That's round 7, and I'm still undefeated! Does anyone else have the balls to challenge me? Or are you pussies done for the night?" In a mixture of being high, drunk, depressed, and full of adrenaline, you foolishly shout, "I'll do it!" Hope looks at you and smirks. "Alright. Let's do this." The two of you take your seats and she explains the rules. Apparently, all you have to do is drink 10 shots of tequila first to win. As stupid as it sounds, you go along with it anyway. Faith says, "On your mark, get set... GO!!" The two of you start drinking fast, and it's over before you know it. You lost, but it was still fun. "Hahaaa, bitch! I win again!! Will anyone be able to beat me?!" You don't know what came over you. Maybe it was determination. Maybe it was undeserved confidence. Or maybe it was the mixture of pot and tequila. But you knew what you must do. You turn to Hope, and say, "Rematch." She looks at you and scoffs. "You think you can beat me? Even after you failed?" You looked at her intensely. She laughs. "Alright. Round 2." You play again, and lose again. You challenge her to a 3rd and 4th round. All failures. On the 5th round however, you still lost. But on round 6, you won. You finally won. In reality, it was not a cool victory whatsoever, but because of the situation everyone was in, everyone cheered for you. Everyone in the surrounding area started chanting "Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech!" Hope tipped her glass at you, and you got on the table. Before you made your speech, you thought you'd get one more shot in. You drank a shot of tequila, and then woke up at home with a terrible headache.

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