141. Dinner

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Everyone gets out of the house and they each go to their respective cars. Scott takes you and Polly, Oz takes Zoe, Vicky, and Calculester, Vera takes Amira, Valerie, and Miranda, and Damien takes Brian and Liam. As you walk to Scott's car, he rushes over and opens the door for you with a big smile. You smile back and thank him, and he closes the door for you too. Scott lets everyone else leave Vera's house first, and he follows behind them. As he drives, the sound of the radio plays quietly, giving some background music. Not that it matters though, as Polly is too busy telling you about all the wacky shenanigans you can get into

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N), you are going to have so much fun! I think that like, everyone is going to be there this year! We were able to convince Kale to go, this year is like the first year that the whole coven can go too! Last year, it was just Joy, but now Hope and Faith are coming too! Dahlia decided to take a day off warmongering to come, and Aaravi is also taking time off of killing monsterkind. Ooh, plus, The Narrator will be making an appearance too~ And I hear that his prom outfit is a little..." She gets up close to your ear to whisper, "Revealing~" in a seductive voice. Scott excitedly says, "Yeah! His muscles are so big! I can't wait to see them!" You and Polly laugh. Polly also brings up, "Oh, and this year, I'm thinking of spiking the punch bowl with LSD! Last year, I chose Molly, and holy shit! Everyone was grinding on everything! I'm pretty sure Martin the werebear janitor spent like three hours getting all the cum and pussy juice out of the bathrooms, it was sick! Especially for you, huh Scotty~?" Your eyes widen and you look at Scott, who is blushing a bright red as he drives. You can feel your face flush as well as you think about whatever that may imply. You ask him, "Scott... What does she mean by that?" Scott stays silent, his face growing redder as he starts to sweat nervously. Polly answers, "That means you should have seen how many holes were filled up by Scott's, thick, hairy, uncut, 10-inch co-" You interrupt her by asking, "Polly, are you drunk right now?" Polly starts giggling, leaning back in her seat.

You arrive at the restaurant, and everyone is already out of their cars. Polly never answered your question, but you can tell that the answer is clear. All three of you get out of the car, and Polly adds one more comment, "Oh my gosh, you guys! That was so much fun! One day, we should like, alllll go on a road trip! Wouldn't that be fun? We could stay at motels... And eat at diners... And have all sorts of wacky adventures! And we could invite our other friends... And run into people we know... And..." As Polly continues her drunken rambling, Vicky helps take her inside so you and Scott don't have to worry about it. You hold hands with each other as you walk inside. You look up at him, "So... Is that all true?" Scott tenses up and his tail stops wagging. He says, "M-Maybe..." You chuckle and pull on his arm to get his ear down to your level. You coo in his ear, "You'll have to tell me about it sometime~" Wordlessly, he nods.

After a few minutes, you are all seated at a long table that was reserved in the back of the restaurant. The satisfying sound of heels clicking is all that's heard as the hostess leads you all to it. Everyone sits down, sitting across from their dates. You sit in between Oz and Brian. Everyone seems to be lost in a conversation with their dates, so you try to do the same. As you look up at Scott to try to talk to him, you notice a small trace of a red tint on his face. He's got a goofy smile as well as he looks at the menu. You try to think of anything to talk about for a while but think of nothing. Eventually, the waiter comes to the table and takes your orders. After collecting all the menus, you and Scott stare at each other for a while, listening in on all the conversations happening around you. You still try to think of something to say, but he doesn't seem all too worried about it. Your food eventually arrives, and everyone starts eating. Vera orders a few bottles of wine for the table, and everyone has a glass. After the long meal, as you all wait for your checks, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom.

When you get in there, your first instinct is to check if anyone else is in the room with you. You quietly celebrate to yourself once you realize you're alone, and you enter a stall to do your business. Just as you start to go, you can hear the sound of the door opening up. You whine to yourself, upset that someone has entered the bathroom. You do your best to get done as quickly as possible, and you get out of the stall. You're surprised when you see Damien leaning against the wall, scrolling on his phone. You quietly just wash your hands. As you go to walk to the door, he stops you by putting his hand on your shoulder. You freeze and look up at him. "Hey, listen," he says, "My dads tell me that you need a new place to say. That you wanna move in with us. That's true, right?" You sigh, "Yeah, that's true." "Why? What happened?" "She... Always insults my friends... And that my dad deserved to die. And she doesn't care about Acasius' death too. And she tries to control every aspect of my life and then wonders why I'm so miserable. So I just figured that if I moved in with a family that isn't disgustingly toxic, then maybe things can get better for me." You're suddenly enveloped in the warm embrace of Damien's arms. You hug him back, fighting the urge to cry. He adds, "You'll be a cool roommate. Can't wait to live with you." You smile, feeling a tear run down your face. "Thanks, Damien. I can't wait either." Damien walks over to a urinal to use it, and you exit the bathroom.

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