18. Pizza Pickup

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Polly's the first one to bust out in laughter. "He.. (gasssp) He.. Pissed.. heeheehee.. all over her! Aaaahaha!" The three of you laugh as well. You laugh so hard you cry a bit. "Aww.. Did I miss the party?" You turn around to see Vicky and Liam. Vicky was holding nachos. Polly goes up to her, grabbing a nacho. "You.. Missed it. These bitches came up, harassing (Y/N), and they started talking shit about Scott, and the Wolfpack dude heard and ughhhh. It was so funny." Polly eats the chip, and it phases through her, falling to the ground. Vicky and Liam look at you. Finishing the story, you say, "He pissed on them." Liam let's out an 'ugh' and Vicky holds back a snicker saying, "Anyway, the fourth quarter is starting soon, you guys ready?" Everyone but you nods, and you all start following Liam and Vicky. Oz grabs your shoulder, telling you, "We always sit together for the last quarter to support our team at least a little." You nod in understanding, and you make it to everyone else in the stands. You sit down between Polly and Vicky and the fourth quarter starts. The game is close. Spooky High is currently losing with a score of 21-28. Most of the quarter passes without either team getting anywhere. As you're watching with equal parts boredom and intrigue, the monsters make an impressive play, and Scott scored a touchdown. Cheering rang throughout all the monsters. The game was close. REALLY close. The entire team had a long discussion on their strategy and what they plan to do. After they came up with a decision, the announcer said they were attempting an apparently risky move, called a two point conversion. The entire stadium went quiet. Everyone was holding their breath with anticipation. They put Scott in charge of the play. They make the play... And the monsters scream in pure excitement. The monsters won. Your team won. Everyone in the stands get up, and you get picked up by Vicky and Polly. You and your friends are in one of the front rows, so you're pretty close to the field. Right in front of you, Zoe and Vera are pushing people out of the way to get to the players. They are all high fiving eachother, and the people people watching. You saw Scott, high fiving other students, and giving a few hugs. Brian finds you, Vicky, and Polly, and helps them lift you up higher. Scott sees you and somehow looks more excited. He shouts "(Y/N)!" And gets closer to you. You are put down and Scott gets to you, lifting you up and pulling you in for a warm, sweaty embrace. As you nuzzle closer, the scent of sweaty success intensifies. He smells the same as earlier, but worse, which is somehow better. You sit like that for a few seconds, watching his tail wagging viciously, pushing some people over. You suddenly started to notice that he is now only holding you with one arm. The other one is once again giving high fives and side hugs. He's holding you close to him. Your friends smile and give thumbs up, but other people start noticing. They're talking. They're pointing. They're laughing. You look back at the ground, and tug on Scott's jersey. He looks at you, and sees your pained expression. He smiles and carefully puts you down, and goes back to the other people. You stare at him in awe, admiring his strength and smile and friendliness. Polly grabs your arm, and says, "Hey, come with us." She leads you to one of the stadium's exits, and you all wait there. The people from the other school leave with dejected faces, and you see Micah, Alex and Dawn. Polly throws a beer can at them, getting their attention. Once they make eye contact, you, Polly, Amira, and even Oz give them the middle finger. They looked angry, and you had a brilliant idea. Forgetting all about your fears for one second, you yell, "You may not be number 1, but at least your covered in it!!" You all erupt in laughter, and Amira says, "Plus, it already has over 11,000 views!" She waves her phone in the air, and they start walking faster.

After about 20 more minutes of celebrating, people start packing up, ready to leave. Polly gets up on Brian's shoulders, and shouts to the crowd, "HEY EVERYONE! YOU KNOW WHERE TO GO! THIS POLLY PARTY STARTS NOW!" Everyone cheers, leaving the stadium. You and you're friends start leaving too, but Vera holds you back. "Nuh-uh, you gotta wait a second. Hey Scott! Come here!" Scott makes his way over, and Vera tells him, "You smell gross. Hurry and get cleaned up, you're getting the pizzas, and this one is coming with you." Scott's tail picks up speed once again, and says, "Yes ma'am!" giving a solute. He goes to the locker room to clean up. "You wait right here for Mr. Heartthrob to get done." She gives you a sexy wink. You smile widely, and hug her. "Thank you Vera." "Ugh. Don't mention it.." She softly hugs you back. "See you there!" She leaves you alone and you sit in patience. Another 10 minutes pass by, and he comes out in his classic outfit of jeans, white tshirt, and his jacket. He smiles at you, and says, "Ready to go?" You nod your head, and the two of you make your way to his van. Once you get there, the rest of the Wolfpack are there too. "Damn! Took you long enough!" "Sorry guys, I had to shower." Scott unlocks his van and the Wolfpack gets in. He turns to you, and says, "Sorry, they have no other way to get there, and there's too much pizza to carry anyway, and-" "It's okay.." Without taking another look at Scott, you get in. The leader of the pack sat in the front first, so you had to sit in the back between two of the wolves, because they were larger than you. You hated it. They were loud, had terrible taste in music, smelled too strongly of body spray, kept yelling out the window, and had no personal space. You wanted to scream, but if you did, you'd be known by his family as the whiney friend of Scott, and more people would dislike you. So you had to keep quiet.

You finally arrived at the pizza place and everyone got out. When you all got inside, Scott got the order, and it was a LOT of pizza. Everyone except Scott had to carry 10 each, and you worried you wouldn't be able to handle it. Scott offered to help, but you refused, because you wanted to prove to him that you're strong too. Everyone piled back into the van, and you all took off for the party. After another five minutes of an agonizing ride to the party, you finally arrived. It was a huge house that once looked abandoned, but has since been transformed into the ultimate party place. It was alone on a hill, surrounded by a forest. There were plenty of people messing around on the front yard. The music inside was so loud that it was very easy to hear from outside, and it barely sounded muffled. Plenty of cars were parked along the street, but Scott drove up the driveway, to make it easier to take the pizzas in. Everyone once again exited the van and made their way to the house. As you all approached, people chanted for the pizza over and over. You were directed where to put it, when one of the people bumped into you, causing you to trip, and drop the pizzas. You froze. You were on your hands and knees, and without looking at anyone, you could tell they were looking at you. They were judging you. People were booing. You didn't know what to do. You were knocked over by one of the Wolfpack members. Scott helps you up and gets a bit aggressive. "Hey bro! You need to watch were your going! You just bumped into (Y/N)!" You couldn't really tell, but you seemed to have heard him growling very faintly.  He looked at you and asked if you were okay. You softly nod your head and look back at the ground. Vera walks up to the both of you and says, "We're going to need more pizzas, or we won't have enough." Scott says, "We can go!" Vera looks at the two of you, and orders more pizzas. "This party will probably go one for a day or two, so don't sweat it." "Okay! (Y/N), let's go!" The two of you start going back to Scott's van, and Vera follows you. You get to sit in the front this time, and Scott gets in the driver's seat. Before you two go, Vera whispers something into Scott's ear, which makes his face red. He replies with, "Okay! We'll be back!" and takes off.

When you get there and go inside, the person working there tells you it will be about an hour wait, maybe more. Scott glances at you and says, "That's okay! We can wait!"

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now