11. The Meltdown

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After you exited the office, it was already the end of the period, and you had to get to your last period of the day, Tactics in Arsony. You grabbed your things you left behind in the library and get to class. You made it there just in time and took your seat next to Amira. You tried to hide your black eye from her, thinking that would be possible, but it wasn't. "Whoa, (Y/N), what happened to you?" You stay silent. It may be Amira, but it's still embarrassing. "If you aren't going to talk, I'll text Vera and ask her to help me figure it out for myself." Amira whips out her phone, and you know she's serious. You speak up. "Okay.. Okay... It was Damien." Amira gets a look of disgust on her face. "Jesus Christ.. I swear to god, he's such a prick.." You know that. You don't need her to tell you that. He's been tormenting you since you came to that school and that's all she can say? Tears start welling in your eyes. Amira notices and thinks for a moment. "Listen, (Y/N), I know you may not believe it, but Damien can be a good guy. He's actually pretty nice, once he comes around." Sternly, you say, "Yeah? And when will that be?" Amira stays quiet. You're not usually angry at her, but if she's trying to make you feel better, she's not doing well. "Damien hates me, with a passion. He took one look at me and decided he didn't like me. I know I shouldn't care about what other people say or think, but it's hard not to. I already didn't want to go here, and he only made me more sure than ever that I was only put on this earth to be tortured. Everyday the same things go through my head and I am so sick of it. I don't want to here the voice anymore, telling me that I am a failure. That I have nothing to live for. I have no past, no present, no future. All it is is hate, hate, and more hate. I don't know what to do with myself anymore.. I am so tired, Amira." "(Y/N), just try to calm down-" "Calm down? Calm. Down?? Yeah, greeeeaaat idea, Amira. Why don't I just calm down? I feel soooo much better now!! I can't believe I was so STUPID enough not to think of that!! Thank you Amira! Really! I am so happy you made me stop thinking everything I hate about myself, and even more so everything about that dumbass Damien Fucking LaVey, all by telling me to CALM DOWN!!" After your fit of rage, you take notice of the area around you. Amira is on her knees with her hands covering her head, half the class is doing the same, and the other have is staring at you. Some with looks of concern, others with anger, others with smirks. The room is in ruins. Books and decorations fell of the shelves, some tables have knocked over, and there is a series of cracks against the walls, ceiling, and floor, all leading back to you. The tears started flowing again, and you darted out of the classroom.

You didn't know where you were going, you just were. You ran through the halls, not knowing whether or not someone was coming to retrieve you. You take a sharp turn around a corner and bump straight into someone. "Aggh! What the hell?!? I'll turn you into stone, you little piece of-!" You look up and see Vera, with her snakes staring at you angrily, and Miranda is next to her. You muster a barely audible apology, and run the other way. You here Vera call out to you. "(Y/N)! Wait!" You turned another corner, and couldn't hear if she said anything else. After running around for about 10 minutes, you finally slow down. You go into a bathroom to get some water on your face and hopefully calm down. As you enter the bathroom, you look in the mirror, and are shocked. Your eyes are weird, one your original eye color, the other your demon eye. And you there is a cut, streaking from one cheek straight to the other, and it's bleeding. You don't what's wrong with you, but your suddenly so.. drained. You pass out in the middle of the bathroom floor.

The Monsters Inside and Out (Scott Howl x Depressed Reader)Where stories live. Discover now