110. Bearer of Bad News

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After your 4th period class ends, the bell rings and you're dismissed. You head through the school to get to your locker, and find Scott there. He looks down at the ground blankly, his hands in his pockets. You walk up and slip your hand in his pocket too, grabbing his hand. He jumps a little, then looks at you, a small smile appearing on his face. You ask, "How's your day going so far?" "Pretty good. Nothing bad has happened. Everyone has left me alone, so.." As he talks, you get into your locker to put some of your things away. "That's good.. Do you wanna sit with some people at lunch? Or just me?" He wraps his arms around you. "Just you.." You nod at him and shut your locker, making sure it's locked. You turn around and wrap your own arms around Scott's torso, until a teacher walks by and says, "No PDA you two." You both awkwardly separate and start walking to lunch.

Throughout lunch, neither you nor Scott talk. He just sits right next to you and eats slowly. You are also approached by multiple friends, Vicky, Zoe, Vera, Brian, and Polly. Even though he said he wanted to be alone, Scott allows them to sit with you both. They're able to read the room though, so they don't talk much either. Scott leans over to you, and wraps his shaking arms around you. He gets in close to your ear and whispers, "C-Could you.. Tell them?" You breath in deeply and clench your fists. You clear your throat and say, "M-Mawmaw is.. No longer with us.." Zoe quietly gasps, Vicky and Polly cover their mouths in shock, and Vera and Brian nod sadly. You feel a tear land on your cheek and Scott sniffles as his grip on you tightens. Vicky, Zoe, and Polly get up and hug Scott too, and everyone gives their condolences. You speak up and say, "The funeral is this weekend, if you uh.. Would like to attend.." Vera says, "Of course. We'll be there." After Scott calms down, everyone sits back down to finish their food before the bell rings.

The word of Scott's grandma starts getting around the school at that point. Scott himself tells others when asked, and some people hear from other students, and even some from faculty members who talk too loud. Scott doesn't need to participate in gym until he's ready, so he just sits in the sidelines, staring blankly at the dodgeball game being played. Despite this, you try your absolute hardest to play as best as you can, and try to win it for your team. After the games you play that day, you go back to the locker room with everyone. As you change, Scott sits by you on the bench. He says, "You did good today." You smile lightly and sit down, placing your hand on his back. "Thank you.. I'm glad you enjoyed watching it." He returns the smile and wraps his arm around your lower back, resting his forehead against the side of your head. "Of course. You are my MVP after all." You chuckle, and turn your head to plant a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. You're my MVP too." He pulls you into another warm embrace, taking a few deep breaths to stay calm. You reach up and scratch his favorite place behind his ear, which makes his tail wag a little. The bell rings, and you're off to your next class.

You enter your last class of the day and sit at your normal seat. Amira walks in, tears in her eyes and laughing up a storm as she talks to another classmate who's too insignificant to the story to have an actual name. Once she sees you however, she quickly calms down and her face drops. She hurriedly sits next to you and says, "Oh my gosh, (Y/N).. I heard about Mawmaw.. Is it true?" You sigh. "Yes, Amira. It's true.." She quickly leans in and hugs you tightly. "God dammit.. She was the best." You nod your head, "I know.. She was the nicest person ever." "Yeah.. Not to mention her cookies either! She had this amazing recipe for peanut butter cookies, they were the bomb!" She laughs, remembering them fondly. You chuckle as well, finding Amira's upbeat personality to be helpful right now. After thinking for a minute, you says, "We should do something for them." She cocks her head, "Them? Like, the whole family?" "Yeah? Why?" "Well like.. Why the Wolfpack too?" "Because Mawmaw was their grandma too?" "So? They're kinda assholes like, all the time." "They're not assholes once you get to know them.." The teacher walks in, interrupting your brainstorming with Amira.

After class, Amira turns to you. "So I was texting Vicky all class.. What if we threw a party? Not a classic Polly party, but just like a get together. We can bring snacks and presents and stuff, and just try to have a good time and cheer them up?" You smile. "Yeah, that's a good idea." You exit the classroom together and Amira smiles widely. "Right? I think they'll love it! Polly knows how to bake, so she's gonna make something. But yeah, I think it'll be lit!" You put a finger up to your lips and shush her, pointing over at Scott. He's standing by your locker, looking down at the floor. Amira shoots some fingers guns at you and winks before separating herself from you.

Once you reach your locker, you slip your hand into Scott's pocket again like you did earlier. He squeezes it and then lets go so you can get in your locker. You gather everything you need to, and walk outside with Scott, the two of you holding hands. It continues to rain, and there's a quiet rumble of thunder that causes Scott to flinch slightly. You reach over and pat his arm, and smile at him. He turns and hugs you. He says, "Let me take you home.." "Okay." You walk to his car together and get inside. You hold hands as he drives, until he drops you off. You exchange quick 'I love you's before you head back inside.

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