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I felt a very sharp pain, it was like my head will explode. I left out a whimper as I woke up and held my head. I sat there, like that for a while to get a hold on myself because the pain was unbearable.

While I was there I tried remembering what happened last night.

I was asleep when Jungkook came, he grabbed my neck and started choking me.! He cursed me a few things and I heard him say "die you bitch you made my life a living joke." I wasn't able to breathe, my chest started hurting and I started crying when he left me planting a slap and left the room. I brought myself together and decided to go talk to him. I was scared to my soul but I had to ask him why is he doing all this?

Wasn't what happened enough? Why did he say all that things in the hospital if he had to hurt me eventually? Why does he do this to me? I had to know what I did to be treated like this. I don't care if he will killed me or something, I will get my answers today.!

I pinched my eyes close thinking of what I did last night, I glanced at my hand and it was wrapped with a band aid.

I looked at the other side of the bed only to see he wasn't there. He must have left for his office. I turned my head and looked at the clock it was 11 already. I overslept.

After a while it felt better so I got off the bed. I went downstairs and searched for Mrs. Hana but she was nowhere to be found, I went to the kitchen to see if there was something she cooked, then maybe she left but there was nothing. I think she didn't come today.

I wasn't really hungry but I had to eat something because I had to take the medicines. I don't know if it's the medicines or my lazy ass that I don't want to do anything on my own. To be honest I really am lazy to cook an actual breakfast so I decided to cook some ramen instead.

I opened the lid of the pot, it's almost cooked. The smell of the mixed spices is just so mouth watering. I turned the stove off, sat myself in front of the TV and started eating while watching "GAME OF THRONES."

To be honest both me and jungkook are really really big fans of this series and no matter how many times we binge it, it's always fun to watch again.!

After finishing I went back to the kitchen to search for my medicines but for real I didn't know which medicines to take. I didn't have it yesterday and since two days jungkook is been giving me the before bed medicines so I don't know which ones to take now. I tried searching for the prescription, maybe it was given in there when to take which medicine but I couldn't find it either. I dropped the plan of having them because I didn't want to ask jungkook, after what happened last night.

I came back and laid on the couch watching TV again.



I woke up.! I don't know when I fell asleep, I sat up yawning. I went to the kitchen to do the few dishes left to clean. I cleaned them and went upstairs to bath.

I took a long bath and was sitting on the bed drying my hair with a towel when I heard a bang on the door and I flinched at the sudden noise. I took small steps and went downstairs only to see jungkook yelling on the phone. I gulped as I looked at him. He looked really angry.

Did something happen at work?

Ohh NO.! he was doing something yesterday night and I disturbed him.. fuck.! It's not good. Or can it be something else?

Thinking this I started taking small steps backward. He didn't notice me till now. As I was about to turn back, he smashed his phone on the floor. I flinched and looked at him and he looked at me too. I gulped as our eyes met because I could see the fury in his eyes. I was scared of him.

ECLIPSE *An Abusive Relationship* || JEON JUNGKOOKWhere stories live. Discover now