0.5| Where Are We?

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"Ughhhh man Aizawa sensei was so rough with his lessons today!" Kaminari said while walking into the dorms. "I know what you mean. I felt like if I dozed off for a second he would expel me on that spot!" Mina whined. "I'm just glad we didn't get any homework. I just wanna read some manga and CRASH." Sero said. "Oh, mind if I join you? I seriously need to unwind and I'm not in a video game mood right now. Plus I gotta catch up on that one manga with the dude with the fire feet. What's it called again?" Kaminari scratched his head.

"You mean Fire Force? You better hurry up then dude I heard it's apparently ending soon." As Sero and Kaminari continued their talk about manga some of the other members of 1-A either went back to their rooms to sleep or relax while others just stayed and talked to their friends. "Hey Deku! Man were those classes rough or what?" Uraraka runs up from behind Midoriya. "O-Oh hey Uraraka! Yeah those classes were pretty rough I thought I was gonna collapse a couple times, I'm just glad it's over now and that we'll be doing normal class stuff for now."

"I must agree as well! Today's class was very... strenuous for me and my quirk. I'm glad I decided to drink orange juice today before class or else my quirk might've stopped working after a while." Iida says while rubbing his legs. "Aizawa sensei is very thorough but also rough. Guess that's why he was the perfect candidate for our teacher." Todoroki said while rubbing his left arm from overusing it. "I'm gonna go ahead and sleep for a while! Can one of you guys come and wake me up when it's time for dinner? I don't wanna accidentally miss it!"

"We shall all come and get you Uraraka! It'd be bad if only one of us were left to that responsibility and accidentally forgot about you while if there were the three of us doing this we could run the idea back to each other!" "Thanks Iida. See you guys at dinner then!" As Uraraka made her way to her dorm room she felt like she was being watched by someone. Usually she would chalk it up to Mineta being a perv like usual but this felt different to her. Like something was actually gonna happen to her!

She quickly turns around and sees nothing except for the dorm's doors and her friends talking in the main room. "That's weird I thought someone was watching me but even Minetas doing something else. What was it then?" She turns back around but instead of continuing her walk she comes face to face with a dark portal. Said portal instantly moves towards her and captures her before she can even let out a yelp. "Ochako!" Tsuyu yells out as she watches her friend get sucked in. The portal quickly moves towards her and grabs her as well.

One by one all the members of 1-A are sucked into this portal. Though the portal isn't done there it quickly teleports to the teachers lounger and grabs Eraserhead, All Might, Present Mic, and Midnight. It quickly moves once again grabbing this time every member of the big 3 and then finally taking Eri while she's sleeping. Then finally it teleports to the home of Izuku Midoriya to grab his mother while she was watching TV.

In The Theater

"Hnn...ugh...huh?" Izuku Midoriya slowly awakens as he gets up and then looks around the room he's in just to see a normal theater? When did he get here? More importantly HOW did he get here? "D-Deku?" He turns around and sees Uraraka on the ground. "Uraraka! Are you ok?!" He quickly helps her up. "Yeah I'm fine just a bit dizzy I guess. Where are we?" Uraraka looks around the theater. "I don't know. All I know is that somehow all of us got transported into this theater somehow. We should keep our guards up in case this has anything to do with the League Of Villains."

"You don't think they'd come after us while in our dorms would they?!" Uraraka asks, scared by the idea of the LOV attacking out of nowhere like this. "I don't know. With All Might officially retired they might get more bold with their crimes." Uraraka begins to double check by looking around the room again, hoping she doesn't see a hint of the LOV. "Midoriya! Uraraka!" The duo turn towards the voice to see their friend Iida. "Ah Iida! How are you feeling?" Uraraka asks Iida. "Just a bit dizzy that's all thank you for asking though Uraraka." After they tell Iida everything they know Midoriya tries to look for his phone so he could try to call the police but instead of it being in his pocket where he left it he finds a note.

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