Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
Not a single member of the audience says a word as they are all too shocked to speak, Mob had lost to Mogami and was now in his world, had his memories altered so he didn't have any powers, and was most likely alone since Mogami was in control of this world.
There were those who wanted desperately to make a joke or a comment that could lighten the mood in the room but they couldn't think of anything all they could do is just continue watching the next episode.
"Mirio? What happened?" Eri asks since her glasses turned on as soon as the scene entered the mansion and showed Minori in binds since if she saw them they would remind her of how Overhaul kept her locked away. "It's kind of hard to say..." Mirio says, unsure if she should tell Eri that Mob had lost to Mogami. "Mob's in a bit of a pickle right now Eri, but don't worry he'll find a way outta there and beat the bad guy!" Nejire says, making sure that Eri doesn't worry too much about the current situation. "Ok." Eri plainly says, unsure what "being in a pickle" actually means but she decides not to ask.
The episode begins with Minori showing up as a transfer student in Mob's school and she then introduces herself to the class. After the opening ends it cuts back to Mob's school where Minori tells everyone that her dad runs a company and asks if anybody wants to come over to her place sometime which excites everyone, they then begin planning for a welcoming party at her house however they don't ask Mob if he wants to come.
Mogami begins to explain about how the people in this world act. "The people here are accurate representations of actual people from the real world. So what you're experiencing is a parallel world that could've easily come to pass had your circumstances been slightly different. And I'll observe how you fare in this environment without your powers."
Izuku squirms in his seat as the way the others are treating Mob in this world reminds him of how he was treated for most of his school life. "Izuku honey are you ok?" Inko asks him. "Y-yeah I'm fine Mom! No need to worry!" Izuku says almost immediately earning him suspicious stares. "Tch!" Bakugo clicks his teeth as he realizes what Izuku is thinking about.
As soon as Mogami stops talking the scene cuts to Mob's teacher smacking him for not knowing the answer to an equation and then chews him because the teacher had thought that Mob wasn't paying attention cause his lessons were that boring, this causes his classmates to begin laughing at him due to the fact the only thing left in the problem was addition.
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"That's terrible! How could anyone call themselves a teacher and harm their students?!" Inko shouts in disgust. "What disgusting behavior from a teacher!" Iida shouts. "If what Mogami said about the versions of these people are true then it's really terrifying to think about how our lives could be different if something about us was different." Uraraka says. "Yeah... terrifying." Izuku whispers to himself as he wonders about if he had actually been born with a quirk that was either his Mom's, his Father's, or even a mix of the two would he have been treated better than he actually was? Would he have a totally different personality if he had friends growing up besides only his Mom? Would he and Bakugo have stayed friends? All these questions flow around Izuku's mind.