Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
"Oh no." Izuku says now realizing that the conflict between Mob and Ritsu will now reach its peak. "I've got a bad feeling about this next episode." Kirishima says while starting at the screen with worry. "You don't think Ritsu would try to fight Mob.....right?" Uraraka says now also worrying about the possible fight. "As much as I would like to say no Ritsu said in the last episode that he wouldn't want to lose to anyone and Shigeo would definitely be counted in that area." Yaoyarozu says with a saddened face. "But Mob isn't just anyone! He's his brother for crying out loud!" Mina yells out, hoping that a fight between brothers doesn't break out.
"I'm really worried about that adult esper." All Might says to his colleagues. "The way he talks about Ritsu being a target is definitely cause for concern. Though what worries me more is the fact that he seemingly is working with someone if not a group since he was talking to someone on the phone about him." Aizawa points out. "I don't know why but I feel really pissed off when I think about that adult esper." Present Mic says. "Well we'll just have to hopefully see more about this esper." Nezu says while sipping his tea that's somehow still warm.
The screen lights up to show Mob and Tome on another 'date' to look for more espers only for it to be interrupted by Teru finding them and asking Mob to come with him due to an emergency.
While the two run to where Ritsu is Teru explains what the emergency is to Mob. The duo reach the alleyway where we see another angle of Ritsu above all the unconscious gang members until like in the final shot of the last episode Mob asks Ritsu what he's doing.
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"Poor Mob." Mina says, dreading the coming confrontation. "I hope the two of them are able to talk it out and a fight doesn't start.." Inko says, worrying about both boys.
Ritsu asks Mob what he's doing there Mob tells Ritsu that he could say the same thing as he then asks Ritsu if he was the one that injured all of the people around him. Ritsu confirms that he was the one that beat them up only for Mob to not believe him since he has too much faith in his little brother. Teru walks away since he it's not his business to watch a fight between brothers. As Teru walks away Ritsu once again confirms that he was the one that beat all these people up as he then tells his brother that he's obtained Psychic Powers.
Everyone in the audience can tell from the tone of Ritsu's voice and the fact that his aura is showing that he'll try to fight Mob. They begin to worry about what might happen to Mob if they do fight. Will he explode? Will he let himself lose? Would he even fight back against his own little brother?
Dimple calls Ritsu an idiot for trying to fight Shigeo which causes him to exit his body and flee as Mob sees that Dimple has been fine this whole time. Ritsu says that he doesn't need Dimple since he's gotten the hang of using his powers. Mob tries to walk to Ritsu only for him to attack Mob immediately.