16|Inside ~Evil Spirit~

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"Man that last episode was all types of stressful." Kaminari says. "You can say that again, from start to finish I was pretty stressed out." Kirishima says. "I never really thought about the fact Mob has been able to see spirits and ghosts his entire life, it makes sense he would think of them on the same level when it comes to importance of their lives." Sero says. "Does that mean Mob would kill an evil person? Cause I mean he exorcizes evil spirits pretty much everyday." Mina shivers at the thought. "Did you forget his whole rule about not using his powers on people raccoon eyes?!" Bakugo yells at her. "Oh I guess I kind of did." Mina giggles at that "Plus he has faced evil people before and he didn't kill them...though he almost went 100% killing intent that one time but still." Jiro says.

"I've noticed that these last three episodes have been somewhat focusing on Kageyama's mental health and his social life. The first episode talked about how he doesn't usually have his own opinions and just follows whatever other people tell him to do, the second episode was about how he doesn't talk to his friends about many thinks people his age talk about and that he's constantly out of the loop, and then in the last episode it was shown how he thinks of spirits and humans on the same level and can't make tough decisions that affect other people." Todoroki explains. "Huh I guess your right. I didn't really even think about it like that Todoroki." Uraraka says. "I also didn't see that connection, thank you for pointing that out my friend." Iida compliments Todoroki who nods his head in appreciation.

"I wonder what this episode will be about?" Yaoyarozu says. "Maybe we'll get an update about what Claw is doing? Can't really guess what else it could be." Ojiro says. "I think we might get another episode about a job Reigen takes since the last two have been about that." Hagakure says. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was that." Yaoyarozu says.

"Hopefully this one won't be a rollercoaster of emotions like the last one." Midnight says. "Yeah I need a nice relaxing one again after seeing Mob nearly have a breakdown." Present Mic says. "Why does it feel like we're about to get the exact opposite of a nice relaxing episode?" All Might thinks to himself but ignores the thought as the episode begins.

The episode opens in a seemingly abandoned building where multiple spirits are housed as a psychic walks into it, it's revealed that Dimple is in the building and is the leader of sorts for the spirits so when they ask him what to do Dimple assumes the psychic is a fake so he tells his fellow spirits to scare the "fake" however when they try to scare him the psychic immediately erases all of them leaving Dimple scared by the psychic.

"Huh now that I think about it, it does make sense Dimple would be some sort of leader to spirits since he seemed to be somewhat strong." Izuku says. "This can't take place in the present since Dimple is always with Kageyama so I wonder how far away in the past is it?" Tsuyu says. "Please don't tell me we're getting and origin story about Dimple, I really don't care what his story is." Uraraka says. "I agree I don't much care to hear about his backstory." Inko says.


After the opening ends we cut to the Spirits and Such Consultation Office where Reigen tells Mob about how they just got a BIG job from a super rich dude, they're then shown to be on train even though Reigen says their client was going to pay for their cab ride. We once again cut where this time Reigen and Mob walk up to the entrance of the mansion as Reigen wonders how even if someone's a President to a successful business is it possible for them to afford this?

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