Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
"Man! Mob has seriously only gotten cooler the more we've watched of him, I really wish I could meet him!" Kirishima says, unknown to him though the hair on the back of a bowl haired boys neck stands up ta the mention of him. "I know right?! He's only a middle schooler, yet he's so cool!" Kaminari agrees with Kirishima.
"It's a wise decision to keep the colateral damage to a minimum with how strong the two are." Aizawa praises Mob's decision in breaking the cultural tower in two. "Hopefully now Young Kageyama will have an easier time against Suzuki." All Might wishes for the best. "If he's only using 10% of his power, Mob might end up needing that super crazy ???% power." Present Mic says as he worries about the true strength of Suzuki. "We'll just have to see what they're both truly capable of when they're both at their best and not held back by collateral damage.
"Hey, Hey doesn't Mob look super cool?" Nejire asks her friends. "Yeah, super cool!" Mirio agrees as Tamaki gives a shy thumbs up. "Mobs gonna beat up that bad guy!" Eri shouts, hopeful for the future.
"It's time for Mob to kick some bad guy butt one last time!!" Uraraka excitedly shouts. "There's no way Suzuki will win against Kageyama at his best!" Izuku also shouts in excitement. "Let's hope their match is the most dazzling one we've ever seen!" Aoyama also says.
The episode begins as the cultural tower is once again shown floating in the air. Mob and Suzuki's battle truly begins as he tosses him throughout the cultural tower, Suzuki gathers debris under his feet as he charges his power output up to 20% and smashes him in-between another ball of debris. Suzuki asks if that's all Mob has, but he quickly answers by destroying the debris, Suzuki is shown with a wicked grin as he's beginning to have fun with this battle and begins shooting blasts that follow and eventually hit Mob.
Though unexpectedly when Mob falls out of the smoke he can be heard laughing out of pure ecstasy from the fight, Suzuki calls out Mob's enthusiasm and points out that he's enjoying this as well. Mob is shown blocking the blasts with one hand and propelling himself towards Suzuki with another hand as he continues to laugh.
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The audience feel a chill go down their spines at the sight of Mob's wicked smile and laughter.
"Ok maybe Mob should never laugh ever again." Mina says, feeling extremely creeped out from the sound of his laughter. "Man what kind of emotion could make him act like this? 100% insanity?" Kaminari says, half joking about the situation. "I believe that the emotion that we're actually looking at is most likely something like excitement or ecstasy, no other kind of emotion would make him enjoy a battle like this." Yaoyorozu theorizes. "Hopefully he switches to a different one, this one gives me the creeps." Jiro says as she shivers.